Analysis of the Statement of Archbishop C. M. Viganò on the situation in the Church /Part 4: Viganò holds the banner of the Church of Christ, Bergoglio holds the rainbow banner of the Antichurch/
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We have witnessed the criminal show trial of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. The schismatic sect has accused him of a so-called schism, which is in fact impossible, because at present the Church has no Pope. This fact stems from the reality that Bergoglio is a manifest heretic. He was already a heretic before he occupied the papal chair and therefore his election is invalid. This is confirmed by the dogmatic bull of Paul IV. Those who have passed null and void judgment on Archbishop Viganò are themselves not only in schism, but by their apostasy have excommunicated themselves from the Church. The Archbishop says: “A schismatic sect accuses me of schism: this should be enough to demonstrate the subversion taking place. Imagine what impartiality of judgment a judge will be able to exercise when he depends on the one whom I accuse of being a usurper. But precisely because this event is emblematic, I want the faithful – who are not required to be familiar with the functioning of the ecclesiastical tribunals – to understand that the crime of schism is not committed when there are well-founded reasons to consider the election of the Pope dubious, due both to the vitium consensus as well as to the irregularities or violations of the norms which govern the conclave (cf. Wernz-Vidal, Ius Canonicum, Rome, Pont. Univ. Greg., 1937, vol. VII, p. 439).”
The show trial demonstrates that the Archbishop is being tried by the one he accused of usurping the highest office. The Archbishop points out that his trial is emblematic. It means that the usurper Bergoglio will pursue a similar show trial against any true bishop who refuses to betray God and therefore refuses to bless the sin of sodomy. But if a cowardly bishop submits to Bergoglio and begins to bless the sin, he will face eternal damnation in hell.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “The Bull Cum ex apostolatus officio of Paul IV established in perpetuity the nullity of the nomination or election of any Prelate – including the Pope – who had fallen into heresy before his promotion to Cardinal or elevation to Roman Pontiff. It defines the promotion or elevation as nulla, irrita et inanis – void, invalid, and without any value – ‘even if it took place with the agreement and unanimous consent of all the Cardinals; nor can it be said that it is validated by the receipt of the office, consecration, or possession […], or by the putative enthronement […] of the Roman Pontiff himself or by the obedience given to him by all and by the course of any duration of time in the said exercise of his office.’ Paul IV adds that all the acts performed by this person are to be considered equally null, and that his subjects, both clerics and lay people, are freed from obedience with regard to him…
For this reason, with serenity of conscience, I maintain that the errors and heresies to which Bergoglio adhered before, during, and after his election, along with the intention he held in his apparent acceptance of the Papacy, render his elevation to the throne null and void.”
Archbishop Viganò refers to the dogmatic Bull to prove that Jorge Bergoglio is an invalid Pope. In addition to the Bull, it is the Scripture itself – Gal 1:8-9 – which says that whoever preaches another gospel shall be anathema, that is, excluded – accursed. Bergoglio preaches a different teaching – a sodomite antigospel! That is rebellion against God. His antigospel diametrically opposes the Gospel of Christ and the whole tradition of the Church. The Fathers of the Church, Sts Cyprian, Athanasius, Augustine, Jerome, and the Doctors of the Church, St Robert Bellarmine, St Francis de Sales, St Alphonsus of Liguori, also agree on this truth, and clearly state that the Pope who is a manifest heretic has excluded himself from the Church, and since he is not a member of the body, he cannot be its head.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “If all the acts of governance and teaching of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, in content and form, prove to be extraneous and even in conflict with what constitutes the action of any of the popes; if even simple believers and non-Catholics understand the anomaly of the role that Bergoglio is playing in the globalist and anti-Christian project carried out by the World Economic Forum, the UN Agencies, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the World Bank, and by all the other sprawling branches of the globalist elite, this does not demonstrate even slightly that I desire schism by highlighting and denouncing this anomaly.”
The Archbishop points out that the crimes committed by the usurper of the papacy, Jorge Bergoglio, are so obvious that they must be seen not only by priests and bishops, but even by simple believers and non-Catholics. They too see this anomaly of the role played by the false Pope. The Archbishop points to the deep collaboration of the Deep Church with the Deep State, that is, the collaboration of Bergoglio and his sect with organizations controlled by globalist elites. This collaboration pursues anti-Christian and globalist goals. By pointing to this reality, which is already obvious to all, Archbishop Viganò is not causing a schism in the Church. The show trial against him is scandalous.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “Yet I am attacked and prosecuted because there are those who delude themselves that by condemning and excommunicating me my denunciation of the coup d’état will somehow lose its coherence and consistency. This attempt to silence everyone solves nothing; indeed it makes those who try to conceal or minimize the metastasis that is destroying the ecclesial body all the more culpable and complicit.”
Archbishop Viganò accuses those who staged the “excommunication” show trial of deluding themselves that this will silence his voice of truth exposing the Vatican coup d’état. On the contrary, even more by doing so, the concealed metastasis came to light.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “If the Roman Papacy – the Papacy, to be clear, of Pius IX, Leo XIII, Pius X, Pius XI, Pius XII – is considered to be an obstacle to ecumenical dialogue, and ecumenical dialogue is pursued as the absolute priority of the ‘synodal church’, represented by Bergoglio, what better way could this dialogue be implemented than by removing those elements that make the Papacy incompatible with it, and therefore tampering with it in a completely illegitimate and invalid way?”
Bergoglio has long been implementing a hidden plan to abolish the institution of the papacy because it is an obstacle to ecumenical dialogue, which is pursued as the absolute priority of Bergoglio’s ‘synodal antichurch’. The paradox is then all the more ridiculous when the apostate Bergoglio punishes the orthodox Catholics for a kind of unreal schism.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “Which ‘church’ could I separate myself from, which ‘pope’ would I refuse to recognize, if the former defines itself as the ‘conciliar and synodal church’ in antithesis to the ‘pre-conciliar church’ – i.e. the Church of Christ?
The Archbishop points to the reality of two churches. There is the conciliar, synodal Church of Bergoglio under the heading of the Catholic Church, which has different paradigms and a different gospel and is opposed to the Church of Christ. The Church of Christ is that which is built on the Gospel and on the tradition of the apostles and saints. This one is represented by Archbishop Viganò. Bergoglio has separated himself from the Church of Christ by heresies and is in schism and apostasy, that is, he is outside the Church of Christ.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “And which ‘pope’ would I refuse to recognize…, if the pope demonstrates that he considers the Papacy as his own personal prerogative to be disposed of by modifying and altering it at will, always in coherence with the doctrinal errors implied by Vatican II and the post-conciliar ‘magisterium’?”
The reality is that Bergoglio publicly dedicated himself to Satan in Canada in 2022. Subsequently, he transformed the Catholic Church into a synagogue of Satan, both through the motu proprio Ad theologiam promovendam on the change of paradigms and through the declaration Fiducia supplicans blessing the sin of sodomy. In this Bergoglio’s antichurch, which occupies the external structure of the Church, an orthodox pope can no longer be elected. Bergoglio has thus abolished the institution of the papacy.
Today every true Catholic bishop needs to be aware of the reality of the situation and separate himself and his diocese from the Bergoglio sect as soon as possible. A bishop who will do so will be vilified, just like Archbishop Viganò. But this will be a sign that he and Archbishop Viganò are in the true Church of Christ, which the gates of hell will not prevail against. The bishops, with their dioceses, who will join Archbishop Viganò have the right to accept him as the true Pope in this extraordinary situation. This will also restore the institution of the papacy.
Carlo Maria Viganò holds the banner of the Church of Christ, while Jorge Bergoglio holds the rainbow banner of the Antichurch. Under which banner will you stand today?
+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
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Secretary Bishops
18 July 2024