Analysis of the Statement of Archbishop C. M. Viganò on the situation in the Church /Part 5: Everyone will face God’s judgment/
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The show trial of Archbishop Viganò made him clarify the most serious problems concerning the Church and the contemporary world.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “I am convinced that among the Bishops and priests there are many who have experienced and still experience today the excruciating internal conflict of finding themselves divided between what Christ the Pontiff asks of them – and they know it well – and what the one who presents himself as Bishop of Rome imposes with force, with blackmail, and with threats.”
What does the so-called Bishop of Rome, the apostate Bergoglio, impose on bishops and priests today with force, blackmail and threats? The requirement to bless the sin of homosexuality and accept a paradigm shift! But this no longer leads the souls entrusted to them to salvation, but to destruction. That is why today many bishops and priests, as Archbishop Viganò puts it, are experiencing an excruciating internal conflict. They know well what Jesus Christ asks of them and that it is in direct contradiction to what Bergoglio demands of them under threat of excommunication. This manifest heretic is transforming them into the same servants of Satan as himself. He has even dedicated himself to him in Canada as a precedent. Ultimately, Bergoglio’s aim is to achieve the Church’s self-destruction.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “Today it is more necessary than ever for us Pastors to wake up from our torpor: Hora est iam nos de somno surgere (Rom 13:11). Our responsibility before God, the Church, and souls requires us to unequivocally denounce all the errors and deviations that we have tolerated for too long, because we will not be judged either by Bergoglio or by the world, but by Our Lord Jesus Christ.”
The Archbishop emphasizes what is the greatest duty of bishops and priests, and that is to unequivocally denounce all the errors and deviations they have tolerated so far. He reminds that all will be judged not by Bergoglio but by Jesus Christ on Judgment Day. Today, God urges through the Archbishop: “The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber!” (Rom 13:11)
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “We will give an account to Him of every soul lost through our negligence, of every sin committed by each soul because of us, of every scandal before which we have remained silent out of false prudence, through a desire for quiet living, through complicity.”
Archbishop Viganò emphasizes responsibility before God. There will come a time of judgment when bishops and priests will give an account to God of every soul lost through their negligence or because they were silent on sin out of false prudence or through a desire for quiet living.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “My defence is therefore not a personal one, but rather a defence of the Holy Church of Christ, in which I have been constituted a Bishop and Successor of the Apostles, with the precise mandate of safeguarding the Deposit of Faith and preaching the Word, insisting opportune importune – in season and out of season – rebuking, reproving, exhorting with all patience and doctrine (2Tim 4:2).”
The Archbishop states that his public defence is not primarily his own defence, but the defence of the Church. As Successor of the Apostles, he has the mandate and the primary duty of safeguarding the Deposit of Faith and preaching the Word of God in season and out of season.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “I strongly reject the accusation of having torn the seamless garment of the Saviour and of having departed from being under the Supreme Authority of the Vicar of Christ: in order to separate myself from ecclesial communion with Jorge Mario Bergoglio, I would have to have first been in communion with him, which is not possible since Bergoglio himself cannot be considered a member of the Church, due to his multiple heresies and his manifest alienness and incompatibility with the role he invalidly and illicitly holds.”
The Archbishop strongly rejects the unjust accusation of having caused a schism by separating himself from the manifest heretic who usurped the See of Peter. The Archbishop logically explains that in order to separate himself from ecclesial communion with Bergoglio, he would have to have been in communion with him, and he adds that this is not possible because, unlike Archbishop Viganò, Bergoglio is not in the Church of Christ due to his manifest heresies.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “Before my Brothers in the Episcopate and the entire ecclesial body, I accuse Jorge Mario Bergoglio of heresy and schism, and I ask that he be judged as a heretic and schismatic and removed from the Throne which he has unworthily occupied for over eleven years. This in no way contradicts the adage Prima Sedes a nemine judicatur, because it is evident that, since a heretic is unable to assume the Papacy, he is not above the Prelates who judge him.”
The Archbishop speaks by authority of his apostolic office and makes a public accusation against the usurper of the See of Peter, Jorge Bergoglio, before the entire Catholic Church and before God, who will judge the living and the dead. He makes it clear that this does not violate the principle of “prima sedes a nemine judicatur”, because a manifest heretic is not a valid pope and therefore is not above the prelates who judge him.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “I also accuse Jorge Mario Bergoglio of having caused – due to the prestige and authority of the Apostolic See which he usurps – serious adverse effects, sterility, and death in the millions of faithful who followed his insistent invitation to undergo the inoculation of an experimental gene serum produced with aborted fetuses, even to the point of issuing a formal ‘Note’ declaring that using the vaccine is morally permissible. He will have to answer before the Tribunal of God for this crime against humanity.”
In addition to heresies, the Archbishop accuses Bergoglio of crimes against humanity. His accusation is supported by the statements of top, incorruptible experts and by the visible deadly fruit that the criminal experimental vaccination has produced. Moreover, the gene serum was taken from drastically killed unborn babies whose tissue was ripped out while still alive before they were sadistically killed.
Experts have proven that the mRNA vaccine has other very negative consequences besides its immoral nature. It alters the human genome and, given its content, is already a precursor to chipping. With its unforeseen effects on the human organism, it has been part of the agenda of reducing the population to one billion. Bergoglio knew that the covid campaigns were based on lies and mass hypnosis, yet he became the biggest promoter of this crime.
Bergoglio’s brazen experimental vaccine propaganda went so far as to issue a document falsely asserting that vaccination is morally permissible. He thus grossly abused papal authority once again. In his speeches, he suggestively promoted slogans such as “Vaccines for all!”, “It must be done!”, and manipulated public opinion by claiming that those who refuse the mRNA vaccine are sinning against love of neighbour. All of this is a blatant lie and deception! Bergoglio has thus proven that he is the head of the Deep Church, which implements Deep State projects.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “I consider it an honour to be ‘accused’ of rejecting the errors and deviations implied by the so-called Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, which I consider to be completely devoid of magisterial authority due to its heterogeneity compared to all the true Councils of the Church, which I fully recognize and accept, just as I fully recognize and accept all the magisterial acts of the Roman Pontiffs.”
In dogmatic terms, the Second Vatican Council established the heresy of syncretism with paganism. Antimission replaced mission and penetrated into the heart of the Church. The most important contribution to this was the heretical declaration Nostra Aetate. The Council used an ambiguous vocabulary with an encoded suicidal agenda. Its aggiornamento exchanged the Spirit of Christ for the spirit of the world. The Council also opened the door to the heresy of modernism, which is the sum of all heresies. At its core, it questions the divine inspiration of Scripture, the redemptive death of Christ on the cross, His real and historical resurrection, and denies the supernatural in the Bible.
The bearers of the modernist spirit were appointed by John XXIII to be the moderators of the Council. The post-conciliar spirit, hand in hand with the heresy of modernism, was embodied in all theological schools. Moreover, by changing the liturgy, the sacredness of the liturgical space and the sacredness of the holy sacrifice itself were also affected. This desacralization was especially the result of the priest turning to face the people. By elevating the human above the divine, Christocentrism was replaced by anthropocentrism.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “I equally condemn, reject, and refuse the heterodox doctrines expressed in the so-called ‘post-conciliar magisterium’ that originated with Vatican II, as well as the recent heresies relating to the ‘synodal church’, the reformulation of the Papacy in an ecumenical key, the admission of concubinaries to the Sacraments, and the promotion of sodomy and ‘gender’ ideology. I also condemn Bergoglio’s adherence to climate fraud, a mad neo-Malthusian superstition engendered by those who, hating the Creator, cannot help but also detest Creation, and man along with it, who is made in the image and likeness of God.”
The office established by Christ Himself for the purpose of defending His Gospel of salvation, closely tied with love of God and neighbour, has been absurdly abused by Bergoglio to the point of outright hatred of the Creator and of humanity, and, on the other hand, of loving and blessing the sin that leads man to temporal and eternal misery. This is truly a manifestation of Satanism cleverly disguised with Bergoglio’s pompous phrases and pseudo documents, such as Laudato si on so-called ecology. In actual fact, this document is concerned with the worship of so-called Mother Earth, that is, the promotion of paganism and demon worship, as he demonstrated in the enthronement of Pachamama.
Archbishop Viganò points out that the destructive projects of the Freemasons, whose ultimate goal is depopulation or spiritual and physical genocide, are promoted by the usurped papal authority. Bergoglio actively promotes the conspiracies about the climate crisis, gender ideology used to mutilate human beings with so-called sex change operations – which he finally confirmed with his gesture of kissing the feet of a transsexual – and all the other projects of the Freemasons that are directed against Christianity and humanity.
Quoting Archbishop C. M. Viganò: “To the Catholic faithful, who today are scandalized and disoriented by the winds of novelty and the false doctrines that are promoted and imposed by a Hierarchy rebellious against the Divine Master, I ask you to pray and offer your sacrifices and fasts pro libertate et exaltatione Sanctæ Matris Ecclesiæ, so that Holy Mother Church may find Her freedom and triumph with Christ, after this time of passion. May those who have had the Grace of being incorporated into Her in Baptism not abandon their Mother who is today lying prostrate and suffering: tempora bona veniant, pax Christi veniat, regnum Christi veniat.”
At the conclusion of his Statement, which he addressed above all to the bishops and priests, Archbishop Viganò did not forget you, dear faithful. His heart goes out to you. He is pained that you are disoriented and scandalized by what is being done by a hierarchy rebellious against God. Having adopted Fiducia supplicans, the current hierarchy legalizes the outrageous sin of sodomy and, in unity with Bergoglio, blesses the sinful union of sodomites. Archbishop Viganò urges you to pray and offer your sacrifices and fasts for the purification of the Church and spiritual renewal.
Therefore, let us unite above all in praying the Rosary in the Holy Hour from 8 to 9 pm for the common intention that God may give us in Archbishop Viganò a true Pope. He represents the Church of Christ today, unlike Bergoglio who, marching unrepentantly under the rainbow banner, is heading for eternal destruction.
+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops
21 July 2024