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BCP: Orthodoxy and orthopraxy – the means of restoring the Church

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At present, discussion is beginning to develop around the resignation of pseudo Pope Francis. At the same time, there are voices saying that Benedict XVI is the valid Pope. However, the reality is that the Church is currently in a state of Sede Vacante. The archheretic Bergoglio denies the basic teachings, which are the condition of our salvation, and breaks moral laws by promoting idolatry and sodomy. Therefore, he cannot be considered a valid head of the Church! Bishop Schneider and other prelates, however, mistakenly declare him a legitimate Pope.

The question is whether the cardinals, who maintain a unity of spirit with Bergoglio, could elect an orthodox Pope. It is evident that in the current apostate system, Bergoglio No.1 will be succeeded by Bergoglio No.2 and No.3. And even if the Masons approved the election of a moral figure, they would not allow this new Pope to radically oppose the system of evil and launch a revival reform. The process of self-destruction would continue!

Therefore, the solution today is not to support the apostate structure, as it is already clear that this structure is dragging souls into a New Age anti-Church.

A visible model of this is Bergoglio’s synodal process, and especially the German synodal path, which approves sodomite marriage and denies all the essential truths leading to salvation. It has completely eliminated the basis of salvation – true repentance. True repentance consists in two things: orthodoxy and orthopraxy. Without true teaching there is no true faith, and without true faith there is no salvation. Faith must be confirmed by the following of Christ, and that is orthopraxy. It is about keeping God’s and Christ’s commandments, about living by faith. The righteous live by faith.

Unless the Church undergoes a revival, a Christian will be more easily saved in a Protestant denomination which, though denying the papacy, has preserved the foundations of faith and morals. This is the reality rather than instructions. The instructions we give are about true repentance. Without it, there can be no spiritual revival and no salvation. Generations of priests formed after the Second Vatican Council have adopted, in accordance with the aggiornamento, a spirit of anti-repentance. They no longer distinguish the spirit of the world from the Spirit of Christ, and have adopted the heresies of the historical-critical method which have undermined the foundations of true faith and morals. By constantly repeating “Nostra aetate” like a mantra, they have taken syncretism with paganism for granted. Few individuals have preserved the Spirit of Christ and the true distinction between heresies and orthodoxy.

Today, the solution is to separate from the apostate structure. This structure leads souls to destruction, but paradoxically scares them with schism. A Catholic who separates himself from an invalid Pope and accepts a valid and true Catholic Pope is not in schism.

The Church of Christ will be here until the Second Coming of Christ, albeit as a small flock in the catacombs.

In 1054, a schism took place, i.e. the separation of the Eastern Church from Rome. Would anyone argue that the Catholic Church with the spirit of Bergoglianism is in a better situation than the Orthodox Church without the papacy? Thanks to schism, the Orthodox Church is now in a better situation than the Catholic Church after Vatican II and under the archheretic Bergoglio.

The Protestant schism occurred with the emergence of Martin Luther at the beginning of the 16th century. It inflicted a deeper wound, because the Holy Mass and some sacraments were cancelled. We ask: Who was to blame for this split? The roots go back to the Council of Constance (1415). There were three Popes at the time. Konrad Waldhauser, Jan Milíč and Jan Hus were preachers of repentance in Prague. Master Jan Hus was a prophetic voice against corrupt prelates and against immoral priests and religious. They did not hesitate to take revenge on him by perjury in order to get rid of the inconvenient preacher of repentance. He was absurdly declared a heretic and burned at the stake. His prophetic voice was silenced, and thus the spiritual awakening of the Church through true repentance was stifled.

All documents related to the nefarious trial in Constance allegedly disappeared. But there was also a Czech delegation at the Council. Petr of Mladoňovice, an eyewitness, gave a direct report on the staged trial up to the last moments of the martyr Jan’s life. Before he was burned, Master Jan Hus made his last confession: “God is my witness that I have never taught or preached those things that are falsely ascribed to me and of which the false witnesses accused me… And in that truth of the Gospel that I taught and preached in accordance with the sayings and expositions of the holy doctors, I am willing gladly to die today.” Hus’s letters from prison have also been preserved, including those he wrote not long before his death and in which he expressed the purity of the Catholic faith, the devotion to the Blessed Virgin, and the need for the conversion and holiness of the clergy.

A hundred years later, God allowed another preacher, Martin Luther, to speak out in Germany. Luther, however, abolished the priesthood, the Holy Mass and confession, and radically broke with the papacy. Today we can say with certainty: If the true reform of the priesthood, which Jan Hus preached by word and example, had not been prevented, the Church would have remained undivided. There could then be a hundred Luthers within a hundred years, and no one would have followed them. The fault for the schism lies not with Luther, but with debauched prelates notoriously refusing to repent.

Historia est magistra vitae – history is life’s teacher. Today we are faced with two options. Either preserve the false unity with the apostasy of the Vatican and the archheretic Bergoglio, or make a break with this system of apostasy that will lead to salvation. The bishops that would separate themselves could then recognize the extraordinary election of a true Pope under extraordinary conditions. The Pope will no longer be bound by a physical presence in the Vatican. This will be the true Catholic Church with a legitimate Pope and with orthodox doctrine that ensures salvation. In contrast to that, the Bergoglian sect will drag souls into the New Age global anti-Church, or the synagogue of Satan.

Heretics and hardened unrepentant sinners will remain in official unity with the unrepentant pseudo Pope and his homosexual network. Many people, however, who have been deceived will, after waking up, have the opportunity to join the true Catholic Church under a true Vicar of Christ. This true Church will be persecuted by the spirit of this world and the global government. Sooner or later it will be forced to exist only as a catacomb Church.

The Bergoglian New Age anti-Church will form a unity with demon-worshipping pagan cults and be privileged. Thus, the true Catholics can only await a time of the catacombs. All genuine Christians must be ready for persecution or even martyrdom. They need to be prepared for the time to come. How? They need to be truly converted and accept such conditions for the spiritual life so as to persevere in this most difficult period of trials and save their souls.

First of all, Christians need to repent. How? They need to embrace the path of orthodoxy and orthopraxy. Orthodoxy stands for orthodox doctrine and separation from the heresies of Modernism, syncretism and Bergoglianism in the first place.


Orthopraxy in practice – six means of restoring the individual and the Church (a more detailed explanation:

1) Family prayer: Include a fixed hour of prayer in your daily schedule. Ideally, this should be the so-called Holy Hour from 8 to 9 pm. This prayer hour will strengthen Catholic families, husbands and wives, parents and children. Extreme pressure from the spirit of the world through the Internet, and especially through smartphones, consumes most of the free time. Vanity and the spirit of the world thus distract many from the essential truths leading to salvation and from communication with God in prayer. That is why we need a firm prayer schedule.

2) Prayer of the hours: We need to make a short stop every three hours during the day – when we get up at around 6 am, then at 9, 12, 3, 6 and 9 pm, and before bedtime. Especially at 9, 12 and 3 o’clock, when most people are at school or at work, it is often not possible to keep it to the minute. During the prayer stop, we make a brief act of perfect contrition, calling on the name of God with our eyes fixed on Christ’s wounds, and then we recite three times a verse from the Scripture, which changes every two weeks.

3) Prayer watches: There is a need to set up prayer watches! Every fourth week, in addition to the daily one-hour prayer, each person should also have a one-hour prayer watch.

4) The Lord’s Day: Adopt a fixed schedule for this day according to the practice of the early Christians in Jerusalem: 1) prayer, 2) the apostles’ teaching, i.e. God’s word handed down in the spirit of the apostles, 3) fellowship – koinonia, and 4) attendance of Mass. In case of strong oppression or persecution of the true faithful, where it will not be possible for a true Catholic priest to celebrate Mass, the faithful can experience the Mass spiritually. They can do so even now if their priest promotes Bergoglianism. The faithful are exempt from attendance at a Mass where the Spirit of Christ has been replaced with the spirit of antichrist.

Proven practice of celebrating the seventh day: (

We begin on Saturday evening at 9 o’clock with one-hour contemplative prayer and songs related to both Christ’s and our resurrection.

On Sunday morning from 5 to 7 o’clock, we reflect in prayer on the specific events related to the resurrection of Christ.

Then we also reflect for one hour on the truths related to the receiving of the Holy Spirit.

Holy Mass follows, where one is exempt from attendance and can experience it only spiritually according to the instructions (see attachment).

Then there is time for fellowship. The faithful agree on a suitable time to meet. Where there is a large community, men should divide into groups of four to seven. Here they encourage each other in the faith, teach and counsel each other, and share their practical experience of how they bring up children or how they lived by faith over the past week. Women should form similar groups.

5) New Moon Day, so-called Fatima Saturday: In addition to the celebration of the seventh day, the Bible also mentions the rhythm of one day in a month dedicated to God, the so-called New Moon. It should be a day of penitence after the pattern of the first Saturday in the month, so-called Fatima Saturday. Men in groups of four to seven would pray together. How should they pray? During the first hour, they can each confess their sins aloud and then express their personal thanks and supplications in their own words. Then they can pray the Rosary or the Stations of the Cross. It is also good to reflect on the seven last words from the cross; this prayer lasts two hours and twenty minutes.

They can also choose another option, namely the prayer of lifting up the mountain according to Mk 11:23 for about half an hour, the prophetic prayer according to Ezekiel 37 for one and a half hours, and two more hours of some other prayers. It is not appropriate to replace personal and interior prayer with the recitation of the Breviary or the Liturgy of the Hours. It is important for the participants of the Fatima Saturday to make a sacrifice of four hours of prayer for God’s sake and for the sake of their souls.

If you spend four hours on the Internet or social networks, it seems like one minute. But in prayer at first one minute seems like an hour. This, too, is a form of sacrifice – fighting in prayer to break with the spirit of the world and get into God’s presence, digging an artesian well in the spiritual depths of your soul. In the atmosphere of prayer, the soul opens itself to the Spirit of God and is then also willing to create fellowship. Without the four hours of prayer, the fellowship would be just superficial. What is said here is based on experience.

The Saturday of penitence is of great importance to the following month until the next New Moon, because it is an irreplaceable source of God’s grace, protection and blessing.

Outside prayer time and sharing after prayer, it is appropriate for someone to bring a brief reflection on repentance based on God’s word. The group may continue with a discussion but should not develop it so long as to disturb the prayer schedule. The priority of penitential Saturday is four hours of prayer.

This is the biblical New Moon, or Fatima Saturday, appropriate for men today.

6) Sabbatical year – a programme for priests: It would be ideal if the diocesan priests were divided into seven groups and each group experienced the time of spiritual wilderness in a different year. They would spend the sabbatical year in groups of four to seven priests in a half-empty monastery or other suitable church building. Here, according to their programme, they would devote themselves primarily to prayer and God’s word, as the apostles emphasized (Acts 6).

They would have an opportunity to build true fellowship, and hence to have their hearts thoroughly purified from their ego and from the power of evil and lies, which is connected with original sin in man. They would follow the path of purification, illumination and union, as many saints call it.

As a first step, at least one group of four to seven priests could start in each diocese, even at the price of a concession, namely that they would have to interrupt this time of spiritual wilderness on Sundays and celebrate Sunday Mass for the faithful.

This sabbatical year is God’s offer for the spiritual restoration of the priesthood and the Church. He who is able to accept it, let him accept it.



Someone might object that these demands of orthopraxy are unbearable for modern man. But I ask: Is it not unbearable to devote long hours to the Internet, smartphone or media every day? The prophet Jeremiah says: “They have walked after vanity, and become vain.” But here the salvation of an immortal soul is at stake! May at least consecrated persons wake up from vanity and illusions to reality, namely death, God’s judgment and eternity. Dear bishops, priests and religious, be the first to start the spiritual revival, and start with yourselves! The fruit of your step of faith will be the inner restoration of the Church. A well-deserved reward awaits you in heaven!


+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr                 + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops


4 July 2022


Download: BCP: Orthodoxy and orthopraxy – the means of restoring the Church (4/7/2022)



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