BCP: The fall of Jericho at the time of the Vatican culmination of the synodal LGBTQ journey
Watch this video on: https://rumble.com/v3imagi-the-fall-of-jericho.html
https://cos.tv/videos/play/47311731978441728 https://youtu.be/Cui7_Kq2hSM
The general assembly of the synodal LGBTQ journey will take place in the Vatican on 4-29 October 2023. This might be interpreted as a de facto ecclesiastical coup d’etat that is to legalize Bergoglio’s rebellion against God, for which reason he has anathematized himself according to Gal 1:8-9.
The preparations, starting in 2021, have kept concealed the true nature and intentions of this so-called synodal journey and the radical changes it brings. The invited laity or clergy, predominantly pro-LGBTQ supporters, will vote and decide on fundamental changes in matters of faith and morals!
In addition to legalizing LGBTQ and abolishing the celibacy, efforts will also be made to push the ordination of women, especially lesbians, as deacons and, consequently, as priests. The German so-called synodal council is to be presented here as a model of transferring responsibility for the Church from the bishops to the laity, to LGBTQ persons in particular. The Belgian bishops have already won tacit approval from Francis to bless sodomite, lesbian and queer marriages, including even marriages with animals. These activities will serve at the Synod as a precedent for the whole Catholic Church. This is not only about abolishing God’s commandments, but also about eliminating common sense.
Cardinal Müller, former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, referred to the synodal path as follows: “The synodal path is doctrinally incompetent and canonically illegitimate.” The October Synod agenda will also include a debate aimed at adopting so-called Mayan Mass replete with pagan elements and ritual dance. Moreover, it will promote so-called Amazon “liturgical” models. Cardinal Brandmüller said about the Amazon Synod documents: They are not just about apostasy but about stupidity.
Bergoglio’s agenda and path was opposed by Carlo Maria Viganò, former US nuncio, as early as 2018. He publicly called on Francis to resign along with the entire homo-network whose members had occupied the highest offices in the Church.
One certainly cannot expect the general synodal assembly in the Vatican to bring a revival, quite the contrary.
What should priests and lay people do for the sake of revival in the Church? They should pray the full fifteen-decade Rosary, especially throughout October. Apart from that, let them take part in an action of faith called Jericho. Inspiration is taken from God’s Word:
“And the Lord said to Joshua: ‘See! I have given Jericho into your hand, its king, and the mighty men of valour. You shall march around the city, all you men of war; you shall go all around the city once. This you shall do six days… But the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times, and the priests shall blow the trumpets… And when you hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall shout with a great shout; then the wall of the city will fall down flat.” (Jos 6:2-5) Anyone who is familiar with the principles of spiritual warfare knows that if God is with us, we will be victorious. The ongoing psychological and spiritual warfare is a reality.
How to apply the spiritual model of Jericho to our circumstances? Let us all start on Monday 2 October. After the end of the Mass in their parishes, every priest should, ideally, walk around the centre of their local city, town or village with a group of believers in silence. The believers can pray part of the Rosary. They will do this for six days.
In villages where there is no priest, one or more believers can walk around the square in silence. On the seventh day, 8 October, either after the Mass or at a specified time in the afternoon, the group will march around the square six times in silence. They can pray the Rosary. When marching around for the seventh time, people can sing the song “He Is Risen! Alleluia!” (sung to the melody “You Are Our Peace”)
The chief singer will say aloud, for example, “Thank You, Jesus,” and all the people shall sing “Thank You, Jesus! Alleluia!” (4×) to the melody of the chorus “He Is Risen! Alleluia!” The chorus is repeated after each verse with a new chant. The singer can chant, for example, “He is our Truth!”, “He is our Way!”, “He is our Life!”, “He is with me!”, “Jesus loves me!”, “I love Jesus!”, “He forgives me!”, “He will save us!”, “He is faithful!”, “We love Mary!”, “Come, O Spirit!”
It would be necessary that in the following week, 9-14 October, some delegates from parishes come daily to their district towns and walk around the town centre – the square – in silence, praying part of the Rosary. If there is no specific time agreed, let each of them do this on their own.
On Sunday, 15 October, it would be good if as many believers as possible could come to the district town at a specified hour from every parish or every village of that particular district. When marching around the square that Sunday six times in silence, let them pray the Rosary. When marching for the seventh time, they shall sing “He Is Risen! Alleluia!” just as they did in their parishes or they can sing a battle song accompanied by a biblical cry and musical instruments.
Regarding priestly participation in these marches of faith, it is not required, but it is necessary that there be one or more lay organizers. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, it is required to give the local authority at least a few days’ notice for this public event and the police will provide protection against provocateurs.
On Sunday 22 October, this event will be held in the regional cities. In the week from 16 to 21 October, it should again be preceded by silent marches similar to the ones held in the district towns. On Sunday, the participants will again march around the square six times in silence and when marching for the seventh time, they will sing the triumphal song.
On Sunday 29 October, the event will take place in each nation’s capital. In Prague, it will begin at 1pm in Old Town Square. In the week from 23 to 28 October, there should again be silent marches around the square once a day, whether in groups or in private. The believers who cannot come to Prague can walk daily around the square in their town or village in silence, praying the Rosary. On Sunday, likewise, they shall march around the square in their local or district town six times in silence in unity of spirit with the Jericho march in the capital at the appointed hour of culmination.
When marching around for the seventh time, they shall finish the Jericho march by singing “He Is Risen! Alleluia!”
If, for example, more people gather together in district or regional towns, they can use musical instruments and a biblical cry of faith. (The local authorities need to be notified in advance of the public event in the town square on all three Sundays – 15, 22 and 29 October – as required under state laws.)
The Catholic Church has ceased to be the conscience of nations and the pillar of truth. On the contrary, it has brought down a curse on itself and on all nations, mainly due to the fault of its hierarchy. This curse, like a dark wall, keeps humanity in spiritual and moral darkness.
What is the solution? Repentance and prayer of faith! God wants to save individuals and nations, but what is needed on our part is to take a step of faith. This step in the given situation and at the given time is the biblical Jericho march, involving an outward demonstration as well as sacrifice.
May as many believers as possible use this opportunity! The Blessed Virgin will intercede for us through the prayer of the Rosary. As her spiritual children, let us follow her obedience of faith through which the Saviour and salvation came to us!
Bishops of the BCP
8 September 2023