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BCP: What does God say about sodomy and transsexualism?

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God’s attitude is in direct contrast to the current attitudes of many prelates. German Bishop Dieser publicly stated: “Homosexuality is not a sin. Homosexuality is not a glitch on God’s part, but is willed by God to the same extent as creation itself: ‘He (God) saw that it was good,’ as we read in the story of creation.” Dieser’s interpretation of the Bible is a gross lie! Homosexuality is a sin and is therefore not willed by God in any way. God did not create it; He calls it an abomination and punished Sodom and Gomorrah for this sin.

God warns through the Apostle Peter: “He condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by burning them to ashes, and made them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly.” (2Pe 2:6) A similar warning from God to mankind was also given through the Apostle Jude: In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.” (Jude 1:7) So, God punishes the sin of sodomy not only with temporary, but mainly with eternal fire! That is why He urgently warns against this grave sin.

Bishop Dieser and religious liars like him take refuge behind the heretical exhortation Amoris Laetitia. They have the same spirit of apostasy that the pseudo Pope Francis Bergoglio is now promoting in the Church. But he argues that he is only implementing the Second Vatican Council and its aggiornamento with the spirit of this world.

God’s Word points to the roots of homosexuality, namely unbelief in God and idolatry (see Rom 1:18f).

Bishop Dieser also promotes transsexualism. He told the media: “If the gender at birth is not clear, this should also be allowed to be recorded in the baptismal entry. We want to help people to make their own identity statements in the course of their lives.”

In this evil manipulation, Dieser can fully refer to pseudo Pope Francis, who has kissed the feet of a transsexual and set it as a precedent for the whole Church. Bergoglio has included so-called listening in the process of synodality. It actually means listening to transsexuals, homosexuals and LGBTQ people.

Instead of exhorting them to repent and save their souls, Bergoglio has introduced the legalization and privileging of this sinful anomaly. He pursues the same goal through his synodal process. In doing so, he strongly opposes God’s law and God’s commandments.

Bishop Dieser is not the only bishop of the Catholic Church who, after the pattern of Bergoglio, supports humanity crimes perpetrated on defenceless children by promoting gender reassignment. Children thus become mental and physical cripples. These victims of contemporary church demagoguery undergo an irreversible change and can no longer be what God created them to be, i.e. male or female.

In addition to the German bishops, the Bishops’ Conference of Australia also strongly promote transsexualism in church schools. They said: “Gender can also change over time and vary both between individuals and across different cultures. Rigid cultural stereotypes of masculinity and femininity are thus unfortunate and undesirable.” This shocking statement is a blatant lie. It is contrary to reason and conscience, natural morality as well as God’s commandments and laws.

Moreover, people crippled in this way become mediums of unclean demons. Anyone who does not privilege these poor children at a Catholic school is kicked out. Ireland is a precedent. On 5 September 2022, teacher Enoch Burke was arrested at school. The police took him straight to the court, where he was sentenced to prison. The reason for this was that he had refused to call a boy a girl, or even use gender neutral pronoun, since the boy was said to be undergoing the process of transformation into a girl. The teacher is imprisoned for an indeterminate time until he changes his view.

We ask: Is the refusal to respect transsexualism punished with life imprisonment? Neither prelates nor Francis will stand up for this hero of faith. Why? Because they themselves promote this gradual process of self-destruction of the Church and humanity.

You ask what God’s attitude is towards priests and bishops, including the apostate Francis, who promote sodomy and transsexualism? Every bishop and every priest who promotes these very serious sins against human nature has thereby excluded himself from the Mystical Body of Christ – the Church. Such bishop or priest is under God’s curse (Gal 1:8-9). Every believer who wants to be saved must radically separate himself from such a church apostate and traitor of Christ. If they do not, they are participating in rebellion against God. If they die in this state, they will be eternally condemned. That is why God so urgently calls for repentance and anathematizes the ecclesiastical Judases who now occupy the highest offices.



Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr             + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops


12 September 2022


Download: BCP: What does God say about sodomy and transsexualism? (12/9/2022)


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