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A call on the youth of Belarus

11 September 2020

Dear young people of Belarus,

seek the Truth, love the Truth, and defend the Truth until death!

We are created by God and everyone longs for truth and justice. However, the sincerity of man’s heart as well as conscience is wounded by original sin and personal sins. Man is prone to lies and evil, and therefore is easy to manipulate. He often considers the lie to be truth and evil to be good.

The only solution and salvation for each of us is sincerity! What does it mean? This means to sincerely believe in Jesus Christ and accept His laws. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and His laws are a light for our path through life.

Repentance and love for God consist in seeking God’s face daily and striving to humbly confess our sins and mistakes to Jesus. This is true heroism – to sincerely confess your mistake and sin.

Dear Belarusian youth, we love you dearly in Jesus Christ, and therefore we will now speak to you directly and sincerely:

Some of you participated in the Maidan protests against President Lukashenko because you wanted to promote the vision of good in which you believed.

We answer you:

This so-called good would soon turn into a great evil for you and for the entire Belarusian nation. Do you really think that the so-called global elites (including Rothschild, Rockefeller, Morgan, Soros, Gates…), which finance and secretly organize this coup in Belarus, seek your good? It is no secret that their goal is to rob and demoralize your nation! They consciously serve Satan. They promote the reduction of humanity to a so-called golden billion, vaccination, chipping and total control. Do you really want this? We believe not. But you yourselves carry out this suicide through the Maidan! Such is the truth.

The so-called benefactors from the West falsely promise you freedom, even through priests. We ask you, what freedom? Freedom from God and His laws?

Do you really want to open up to gender ideology and thus allow children to be stolen by the juvenile justice system? This system then gives them preferentially to deviant LGBTQ people! Do not be mistaken, this is an inevitable consequence of your Maidan. Just look at the western world, look at Ukraine. Be honest and do admit that you have been deceived.

Truth and justice testify that President Lukashenko won the election. Demonstrations in his support prove this.

Dear students, love the truth. Otherwise you will become dishonest and mean, and that is the worst thing that can happen to a young person.

Some of you say: “We’re young, we want a change; Lukashenko doesn’t understand us, so he should hand over the government.”

We answer:

And why, if he won fairly? If you are honest, you have to admit this fact. It is fair that the will of the majority, which was reflected in the elections and in the national demonstrations, should be fulfilled, and not the will of the minority!

Be honest and say openly who most encourages you, the students and the young people, to stage the Maidan and overthrow the legitimate Government? Unfortunately, it is the church hierarchy and priests, especially from the Catholic Church. We testify to you that they have betrayed Christ and are lying to you! Why? Because Jesus never encouraged people to organize a revolution and overthrow the government, still less a government that protects moral laws like the one in Belarus. Jesus would certainly not promote a government that is being promoted by Archbp Kondrusiewicz. It is a government that will subsequently establish the legalization and privilege of homosexuality, child stealing and micro-chipped vaccination. Jesus calls for true repentance and a change of life. “Unless you repent, you will all perish!” And this also applies to church leaders, including the head of the Catholic Church in Belarus.

You ask how Archbp Kondrusiewicz can be so blind if he is in unity with Pope Francis I?

We answer:

It is this very unity with Bergoglio, who is a heretic and apostate from the faith, that brings down God’s curse and obscures the mind and conscience. He and others like him believe in lies and serve the spirit of the antichrist working today through the Masons worldwide.

The cause of apostasy:

The Holy Scripture says, “If anyone preaches any other gospel, let him be accursed!” (Gal 1:8-9)

Bergoglio, or Francis, has worshipped a pagan idol – the Pachamama demon in the Vatican Gardens and in the Basilica of St Peter and placed it on the altar. He has identified Allah with the true Triune God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is deception and blasphemy! Could the Apostle Peter do something like this? Bergoglio legalizes homosexuality and kisses the feet of transsexuals. He covers up the homosexual and paedophile network within the Church. In line with the spirit of apostate meetings in Assisi, Bergoglio considers Christianity and pagan religions to be equally valid ways to salvation. This is a supreme heresy. Moreover, Bergoglio nowadays promotes vaccines and microchips. Scripture clearly states that whoever receives it will end up in the lake of fire and will be eternally damned (Rev 13-14).

Dear Belarusian youth, we beseech you in the name of Jesus Christ, do separate yourselves from these Maidan deceivers. Give your lives to Jesus Christ. In Him you will find true freedom and eternal life.

Become a blessing and not a curse for Belarus!

Long live Jesus, long live Belarus!


+ Methodius OSBMr                         + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate


The Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate (BCP) is a community of monks, priests and bishops living in monasteries. The BCP is headed by Patriarch Elijah with two Secretary Bishops, +Timothy and +Methodius. The BCP arose from the need to defend the fundamental Christian truths against heresies and apostasy. It does not recognize pseudo Pope Bergoglio and is not subordinate to him.


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