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Basic information

Basic information about the Byzantine Patriarchate (BP)


BP is Catholic – universal! This Patriarchate has no jurisdiction over any bishop or Church.

BP exercises the prophetic ministry in the present-day Church, defends orthodox doctrine and Tradition against dangerous heresies and syncretism with the spirit of paganism.

BP declares – makes public – God’s punishments, anathemas, on particular persons who abuse Church authority, adopted heresies and refuse to repent! It is a ministry for their sake to bring them to repentance as well as for the sake of the faithful to help them identify heretics who just abuse Church office. The faithful and priests are therefore no longer bound by obedience to such members of the clergy!


BP declared an anathema on a number of Catholic bishops, cardinals and finally even on the last three Popes because they abused their office and allowed heresies to penetrate into the heart of the Church. The result is that a new thought is gaining ground which is contrary to the whole 2000-year Church Tradition. The consequence is that formerly Christian states promote antihuman gender laws which approve and privilege homosexuality, transsexuality, paedophilia, zoophilia, and morally destroy the individual, family and society. The individual “Christian” states are thus drawn into the process of moral, spiritual and physical autogenocide. The tragedy is that the Vatican and the Church hierarchy subordinated to it are hypocritically silent and de facto approve this path of temporal and eternal self-destruction.

BP is comprised of a small number of people, similarly to the former Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (head, secretaries and some co-workers).

The Patriarchate acts by authority of God, is subordinate to no Church structure, similarly to the prophets who acted besides the official Aaron’s priests.


BP was established on 5 April 2011 by the Synod of seven bishops of the Ukrainian orthodox Greek Catholic Church (UO GCC). This orthodox structure separated from the heretical structure of the Greek Catholic Church by reason of heresies proclaimed by Cardinal Husar.


BP has come into existence due to this era of the great apostasy inside Christianity. When heresies are eradicated, this Patriarchate will cease to exist because it will no longer serve its purpose.


BP is not concerned with spiritual pathology (heresies) only but rather God uses it to call the believers to repent sincerely, to return to the pure source of the teaching of the Gospel and almost 2000-year Tradition.

BP Administration: Patriarch Elijah and Secretary Bishops Methodius and Timothy


Personal data


Patriarch Elijah OSBMr, born 1946, Czech Republic, ordained 1972. He joined the Order of St. Basil the Great in 1991. He took his doctor’s degree in theology at Charles University in Prague. He made public his secret episcopal consecration on 3 March 2008.


Bishop Methodius OSBMr, Secretary of the Byzantine Patriarchate, born 1968, Czech Republic. He joined the Order of St. Basil the Great in 1991, was ordained priest in 1996. He took his doctor’s degree in theology at Charles University in Prague. He made public his secret episcopal consecration on 3 March 2008.


Bishop Timothy OSBMr, Secretary of the Byzantine Patriarchate, born 1973, Slovak Republic. He joined the Order of St. Basil the Great in 2008, was ordained priest in 2004, obtained a licentiate in canon law in Rome. Episcopal consecration: July 2008, Pidhirci.


Note: OSBMr stands for Reformed Order of St. Basil the Great


Date, place and consecrators of Patriarch Elijah and Bishop Methodius are not published for the sake of protection against the intrigues of Card. Husar and his collaborators.

Episcopal succession is linked to Archbishop A. Sheptytskyi, OSBM. At the time of dissolution of the Greek Catholic Church by the communist government, secret episcopal consecration was received by: Bishop S. Dmyterko OSBM (theological studies in the Czech Republic), I. Bilyk OSBM, P. Vasylyk, V. Sternyuk CSsR, J. Kavatsiv OSBM….


The Byzantine Patriarchate is presently in exile (Prague)





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