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Personal data about Patriarch Elijah

Born 1946 in Hluk, Czech Republic. Ordained priest 1972. Entry into the Order of St. Basil the Great and a change of rite in 1991. Doctorate in Theology in Prague. Teacher of dogmatics (Presov, Slovakia), Catholic bishop, appointed Archbishop in 2009. Appointed Byzantine Catholic Patriarch on 5 April 2011 through the election and the imposition of hands by the Synod of Bishops headed by Archbishop Michael Osidach.


Election of the Patriarch

of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate


On 5 April 2011 the election of the Patriarch

of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate was held.

The Synod of the Ukrainian orthodox Greek-Catholic Church

elected Archbishop Elijah Anthony Dohnal OSBMr

as the first Patriarch.

May our Lord Jesus Christ

grant him grace and strength

that he may wisely exercise this ministry entrusted to him.

The whole Synod commends the newly elected Patriarch

to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

and under the patronage of the Most Holy Mother of God.


Lvov, Zhovkva, 5 April 2011


+ Michael Osidach, Head of the UOGCC

+ Markian Hitiuk OSBMr

+ Methodius Spirik OSBMr

+ Samuel Oberhauser OSBMr

+ Basil Kolodi OSBMr

+ Timothy Sojka OSBMr





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