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Analysis of the Statement of Archbishop C. M. Viganò on the situation in the Church /Part 3: Clash with the enemies of Christ/

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When the Apostle Paul was attacked and his authority questioned, he pointed to the graces God had given him and testified to the suffering he had endured for Christ. He was scourged five times by his own people and persecuted continually. He was even stoned by the pagans. The Apostle, in defence of the Gospel, did not hesitate to speak of the extraordinary gifts he had received, even of visions and revelations, when he was considered to be of little spiritual worth. Finally, we know that when he came to Jerusalem, the religious Sanhedrin sought his death. Every stage of his life was accompanied by sharp conflict with the enemies of Christ, with the spirit of Phariseeism and with the spirit of paganism, that is, with false spirituality.

Archbishop Viganò is in a similar situation of a faithful warrior for Christ. For almost half a century he worked in the service of the Vatican and reached the highest circles. Here he witnessed how God’s enemies, through treacherous prelates, were paving the way for the Church’s self-destruction. Now that the arch-heretic Bergoglio is trying to create the impression through a show trial of expulsion from the Catholic Church for the so-called crime of schism, the Archbishop is speaking out and explaining the most serious problems of the Church. His words are a testimony to his devotion to Christ and His Mystical Body. He is not concerned with defending himself, but with defending the Church. At the same time, he shows how spiritual poison has penetrated the deepest heart of the Church through Freemasonry, corruption and sodomy.

Let us hear his testimony: “The occasion that led me to clash with my ecclesiastical superiors began when I was Delegate for the Pontifical Representations, then as Secretary General of the Governorate, and finally as Apostolic Nuncio to the United States. My war against moral and financial corruption unleashed the fury of the then Secretary of State, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, when – in accordance with my responsibilities as Delegate for the Papal Representations – I denounced the corruption of Cardinal McCarrick and opposed his promoting corrupt and unworthy candidates for the Episcopate presented by the Secretary of State, who had me transferred to the Governorate because ‘I prevented him from making the bishops he wanted.’ It was always Bertone, with the complicity of Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo, who hindered my work aimed at combating widespread corruption in the Governorate, where I had already obtained important results beyond all expectations.”

What did the Archbishop earn for his fidelity to Christ and the Church from the corrupt prelates who were de facto instruments of the Freemasons and pursued the opposite goal, that is, the gradual disintegration of the Church, all in the spirit of Vatican II? What followed? Archbishop Viganò continues:

“It was also Bertone and Lajolo who convinced Pope Benedict to expel me from the Vatican and send me to the United States. There I found myself having to confront the vile events of Cardinal McCarrick, including his dangerous relationships with political representatives of the Obama-Biden Administration and also on an international level, which I did not hesitate to report to Secretary of State Parolin, who took no account of it.”

Was it not the duty of the Secretary of State to act in response to the report made to him by US nuncio Viganò about the moral crimes committed by McCarrick and even about his dangerous relationships with political representatives? This revealed the inability of the traitorous prelates to stand up for God’s cause. Archbishop Viganò was in constant conflict with the enemies of God and the Church, whereas the corrupt prelates always found a way to smoothly avoid every conflict and betrayed Christ, their conscience and the Church a hundred times rather than risk losing their careers. Outwardly these traitors present themselves as the most faithful servants of Christ’s Church, so to speak, but in reality they are the servants of the Masons. They are all now united in a show trial in opposition to a truly faithful apostle who serves Christ and the Church.

In his life’s struggle for the purification of the Church, Archbishop Viganò has had experience that has led him to understand the hidden context, as he himself testifies:

“This led me to consider many events I had witnessed during my diplomatic and pastoral career in a different light, and to grasp their coherence with a single project that by its nature could be neither exclusively political nor exclusively religious, since it included a global attack on traditional society based on the doctrinal, moral, and liturgical teaching aspects of the Church.”

Archbishop Viganò goes on to give the reason why an esteemed Apostolic Nuncio became an inconvenient Archbishop:

“This is why from once having been an esteemed Apostolic Nuncio – for which few days ago Cardinal Parolin himself recognized me for my exemplary loyalty, honesty, correctness, and efficiency – I have now become an inconvenient Archbishop, not only because I have asked for justice in the canonical processes undertaken against corrupt prelates, but also and above all for having provided an interpretive key that shows how corruption within the Hierarchy was a necessary premise to control, manipulate, and coerce it with blackmail to act against God, against the Church, and against souls.”

Archbishop Viganò explains why, after the Second Vatican Council, not faithful men of God but preferably corrupt and unscrupulous priests were chosen as bishops. The corruption of the high prelates of the Church is a prerequisite in the plan of the Freemasons to be able to blackmail them. They do likewise with the political leaders of the states.

“And this modus operandi – which Freemasonry had described in detail before infiltrating the ecclesial body – mirrors that adopted in civil institutions, where the representatives of the people, especially at the highest levels, are largely blackmailable because they are corrupt and perverted. Their obedience to the delusions of the globalist elite leads peoples to ruin, destruction, disease, and death – death not only of the body, but also of the soul. Because the true project of the New World Order – to which Bergoglio is enslaved and from which he draws his own legitimacy from the powerful of the world – is an essentially Satanic project, in which the work of the Creation of the Father, the Redemption of the Son, and the Sanctification of the Holy Spirit is hated, erased, and counterfeited by the simia Dei and his servants.”

The Archbishop points to the spiritual background of the struggle of the kingdom of darkness against the kingdom of God. He recalls the prophecy of Our Lady of La Salette in 1846, where the Mother of God predicted that ‘Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist’. The Third Secret of Fatima bears similar witness to this profound decline. The Archbishop says:

“Witnessing the total subversion of the divine order and the propagation of infernal chaos with the zealous collaboration of the leaders of the Vatican and the Episcopate makes us understand how terrible are the words of the Virgin Mary at La Salette – Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist – and what a hateful betrayal is constituted by the apostasy of the Pastors, and by the even more unheard-of betrayal of the one who sits on the Throne of the Most Blessed Peter.”

Archbishop Viganò looks with a bleeding heart at the painful betrayal on the part of many, too many prelates and confesses that if he were to remain silent in the face of this betrayal, he would break the oath taken on the day of his Ordination. Therefore, even at the cost of moral discredit from the enemies of Christ, let alone at the very risk of his life, he gives witness to the Gospel. After a lifetime of experience, he truthfully points to the root of this crisis, which is the Second Vatican Council. As the Successor of the Apostles, he cannot and will not accept the systematic demolition of the Church, coupled with the damnation of many souls. He does not want to exchange the defence of Catholic truth for a cowardly silence and a quiet life.

If I were to remain silent in the face of this betrayal – which is consummated with the fearful complicity of many, too many Prelates who are reluctant to recognize in the Second Vatican Council the principal cause of the present revolution and the adulteration of the Catholic Mass as the origin of the spiritual and moral dissolution of the faithful – I would break the oath taken on the day of my Ordination and renewed on the occasion of my episcopal Consecration. As the Successor of the Apostles, I cannot and will not accept to witness the systematic demolition of Holy Church and the damnation of so many souls without trying by every means to oppose all this. Nor can I consider a cowardly silence for the sake of a quiet life preferable to giving witness to the Gospel and defending Catholic Truth.

All sincere Catholics are grateful that God has given us such a courageous witness to the faith as Archbishop Viganò in these difficult times. He truthfully points to the poisoned roots that many do not want to see and which are the cause of the disastrous state of the Church. Today, priests and bishops even have to bless one of the gravest sins – sodomy. Vatican II and the usurper of the papacy, Jorge Bergoglio, are most to blame for this disastrous state of affairs.


+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr             + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops


18 July 2024


Download: BCP: Analysis of the Statement of Archbishop C. M. Viganò on the situation in the Church /Part 3: Clash with the enemies of Christ/ (18/7/2024)



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