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Home page
Basic information
History – Decree of establishment
Pastoral word
Pastoral Letters
Other letters
Letters to politicians
Crisis in the Church
Diagnosis of the state of the Church
Contemporary heresies in the Church
The spirit of Assisi + HCT
Homosexualism and paedophile crimes in the Church
False regard for paganism. Occultism
Amazon Synod – the grave of orthodoxy
Religious discrimination and persecution
Anathema – defence of the Gospel and punishment for heresies
Apostasy in the Church
The heresies of pseudo Pope Francis
Ex-Pope Benedict XVI
Apostasy of the prelates
The renewal of the Church
Doctrine of the Church
Appeals to cardinals, bishops and leaders of the Christian Churches
The question of the papacy
Calls for repentance and the profession of faith
The true and false spirituality
Manifestations for the protection of family and children
Manifestations against religious discrimination
Globalization in the world
New World Order, Freemasonry
Gender, juvenile justice and homosexuality
Chipping, euthanasia and vaccination
Cartoons are a threat to our children
Biblical lectures
Spiritual lectures by Patriarch Elijah
Reflection on the Word of God
Spiritual counsels
Retreat Lectures
Do you want to be happy?
Celebration of Sunday
The Death of Christ
The Resurrection of Christ
Sabbatical year
Models of interior prayer
Prophetic prayer Ezek 37
Retreat Lectures (audio)
Photo gallery
Messages by Patriarch Elijah
Events from the life of the Patriarchate
Books and booklets
Prayer booklets
Prayer booklet for the celebration of Sunday
Prophetic prayer Ezek 37 (booklet)
Prayer in urgent need
History – Decree of establishment
History – Decree of establishment
April 11, 2011
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