Cardinal Burke, an advocate for Bergoglio’s sodomite path, rebellion against God
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On 14 December 2024, Cardinal Burke delivered a homily in La Crosse, Wisconsin, which was subsequently published. We are responding to statements that are contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Quoting Burke: “Schism is never justified. We must remain with Christ, even if those in the highest positions of authority in the Church should commit apostasy.”
How can Catholics remain with Christ and at the same time remain in submission to the pseudo-pope Bergoglio, who does not remain with Christ but has fallen away from Him? True fidelity to Christ requires separation from apostasy.
Every bishop, as successor of the apostles, has the duty to lead the flock out of Bergoglio’s schism caused by his apostasy. Otherwise, like Bergoglio, he will be judged by God as a schismatic and an apostate.
Bergoglio has established a new doctrine that is no longer Catholic. It is based on another gospel, more precisely: a sodomite anti-gospel, for which, according to Gal 1:8-9, a person is subject to the severest punishment of God – anathema – expulsion from the Church. The Church is currently in a state of sede vacante. It does not have a proper Pope. Bergoglio has transformed the Catholic Church into a New Age anti-church, and he has done it by deception, under the banner of the Catholic Church. Those who do not accept his sodomite anti-gospel are branded as schismatics for not accepting Bergoglio’s schism from Christ and Catholic teaching. This is professional manipulation.
The solution is for every bishop in his own diocese to tell the faithful the truth, namely that the manifest heretic Bergoglio has excommunicated himself from the Church according to Scripture and Tradition and therefore cannot be its head. This is Catholic doctrine, but Burke glosses over and circumvents it. He is Bergoglio’s advocate and keeps Catholics on a broad, so-called synodal path that leads to eternal destruction. This is Burke’s great sin, by which he brings down a curse on the United States.
Quoting Burke: “The confusion, error, and division which daily multiply in the Church cause us to fear, to feel abandoned and betrayed, to be angry, and even to consider leaving the side of Christ on the Cross.”
This statement by Burke is another gross manipulation. He forces Catholics to remain with Bergoglio in betraying Christ and to call this apostasy from Christ remaining with Christ on the Cross. But then Catholics remain by the Cross like those who mocked and insulted Christ, today due to their adherence to the sodomite anti-gospel. This fraud does not provoke any persecution. On the contrary, standing up for Christ and His teachings brings persecution. Bergoglio and his sect punish faithful bishops and priests with illegal excommunications. An example is the former US nuncio Carlo Maria Viganò. Today he truly remains with Christ on the Cross, in union with Christ suffering for the Church.
Quoting Burke: “Schism is never the will of God for us.”
With the publication of Fiducia supplicans, Bergoglio has caused a suicidal schism from Christ. He has done so by ecclesiastically legalizing the outrageous sin of sodomy, even blessing it and forcing all bishops and priests to do so. The bishops who have accepted Fiducia supplicans are subject to God’s punishment for the sodomite anti-gospel, namely excommunication from the Church according to Gal 1:8-9. This schism is not the will of God for us.
Quoting Burke: “We are never justified in abandoning Christ in His Holy Church.”
Bergoglio has excluded himself from Christ’s Holy Church, but we must remain in this Holy Church. We must never abandon Christ and His persecuted Holy Church in order to remain with the apostate Bergoglio and his sodomite anti-gospel. Bergoglio is not the head of Christ’s Holy Church. He has excluded himself from it.
Quoting Burke: “No matter what we are asked to suffer, we must remain with Him, even if those in the highest positions of authority in the Church should abandon Him, should commit the grievous crime of apostasy from the Catholic faith.”
No matter what, we must remain aloof from Bergoglio and his illegal punishments – excommunications. He has committed the grievous crime of apostasy from the Catholic Church and therefore cannot be its head, as St Cardinal Bellarmine and other saints have taught. We cannot follow Bergoglio in his apostasy and submit to him. We must separate ourselves from him in order to remain with Christ, even if we should suffer for this separation.
Quoting Burke: “We know the Gospel, the authentic teaching of the Church, as it has been handed down to us in an unbroken line from the Apostles.”
How is it that Burke, who knows the authentic teaching of the Church, does not know that Bergoglio is under anathema and therefore outside the Church of Christ according to Galatians 1:8-9? How can he call the separation from this apostate, who is outside the Church, a schism? If we want to remain faithful to Christ, the condition is to separate from the apostate, not to obey him and thus follow his way of apostasy from Christ and His Church.
Quoting Burke: “We hold firm to Christ, to the Sacred Tradition by which He continues to act on behalf of our salvation in the Church.”
Those who hold firm to Bergoglio and his doctrine of legalizing and blessing sin and refusing repentance are not holding firm to Christ, but have betrayed both Him and the Sacred Tradition. At the same time, they are rejecting all that Christ continues to act on behalf of our salvation in His Church.
We submit two dubia to Cardinal Burke:
1) Saint Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, together with the Fathers of the Church St Cyprian, St Jerome, St Augustine and the Doctors of the Church St Francis de Sales and St Alphonsus of Liguori, in accordance with the Epistle to the Galatians 1:8-9 and with the very essence of the Holy Scriptures, define the reality: “The Pope who is manifestly a heretic ceases by himself to be Pope and head, in the same way as he ceases to be a Christian and a member of the body of the Church.” We ask: Does the teaching of the Church also apply to the manifest heretic and usurper of the papacy Bergoglio? Yes or no?
2) Through Fiducia supplicans, the United States Conference of Bishops has embraced a new sodomite anti-gospel. In doing so, it has brought down God’s anathema on every bishop who had approved it, even if by silence, because every bishop was obliged to dissociate himself from this decision of the Episcopal Conference. Even silence in this case is a betrayal of Christ and the Gospel. Suppose the American bishops truly repent and separate themselves from the apostate and his invalid declarations, does faithfulness to Christ and His teachings now qualify as schism? Yes or no?
+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops
21 December 2024
Download: BCP: Cardinal Burke, an advocate for Bergoglio’s sodomite path, rebellion against God (21/12/2024)