BCP: Sabbatical year and koinonia (Part 3)
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The inherited source of lies and evil in man
There are two powerful means to deliver a person from the power of lies and evil, which is part of the human ego and the legacy of the original sin. They are interior prayer and koinonia. Out of the source of evil in the heart of man, or out of the spiritual seed of the hellish serpent, which receives inspirations from Satan and demons, came all the evil in the history of mankind, all crimes, wars, murders, abuses and atrocities. This source of evil in man, which currently leads the individual and mankind to genocide, suppresses conscience and blinds reason to the point of total debility, so that no one knows anymore that a man is a man and a woman is a woman. This goes hand in hand with demonic possession. The source of evil in the soul, under the guise of so-called one’s own interest or one’s own truth, drags man to eternal damnation in hell. This program is part of original sin – the so-called old self.
From our first parents you also inherited the genetic code of the devil, who is the father of lies and a murderer. Jesus came to save you from hell and from the downward path that leads there. He is the only Savior of mankind and your only Savior. There is salvation in no one else (Acts 4:12). On our part, however, the condition of salvation is repentance. Each of us needs Jesus Christ to set us free from the source of evil in our soul. All popular phrases about peace, climate, planetary development, Agenda 2030, economic forums, minority rights, ecology, so-called children’s rights protection, human dignity or LGBTQ rights are whopping great lies and cruel manipulation on the part of the mainstream media and the NWO, behind which is the father of lies and death, Satan. By using professional lies, in alliance with the antichristian spirit, he seeks to separate man from the Savior, Jesus Christ.
A means of deliverance – fellowship
Jesus is in the midst of you, persons consecrated to God, if there is an inner unity among you (cf. Mt 18:19-20). An inner unity, however, is not possible without being united to Jesus crucified and His death. We were immersed into His death through baptism. The process of launching out into the deep even in our personal relationships is a form of deepest purification as well as a form of repentance. It means to build deep fellowship, biblical koinonia. Through the way of purification, our spirit needs to be set free from spiritual darkness caused by our ego. It is in our ego that the power of original sin as well as the power and insidiousness of the old self is concentrated. We want to be deeply purified from this power in the sabbatical year. We are fully aware that it is not within our power and that only God can do it. But He also wants us to take a certain step, that is, to withdraw into solitude and into His presence and not to resist God’s working through our brother for our purification. According to St Basil, true fellowship is the most effective purification from our ego.
Spiritual purification is experienced above all by the community that prays intensively. If you pray in earnest and make an effort to build an inner unity in the community, it involves intensive purification in relationships. You must expect indefinable tension, misunderstandings, sudden clashes, quarrels over trivial matters, even an allergy or aversion to others. You will feel like running away from this spiritual battlefield, but right here these conflict situations are to help uncover your ego with its hidden vices, touchiness, rivalry, lack of self-criticism, even blindness to your own faults. All this is material for interior prayer before God. You need to reveal your problem or pain to Jesus crucified and unite it to His suffering for our sins. In such a prayer, you will taste the depth of your crucifixion with Christ, of His words “Eloi, Eloi”, and your union with Christ’s death.
Genuine prayer before God results in a certain step that removes mutual tension through genuine self-humiliation. It is also a step of faith which opens our eyes. Our own justice with our own truth and our own interest are a frequent source of conflict and an obstacle to both true unity with God and true unity within the community. In this connection, some spiritual directors say that our feelings, our mind and our will need to be purified. To be able to undergo this process of inner purification within the community, you essentially need to keep your heart and mind focused on Christ crucified and be united to Him. In such a prayer, you will also receive the light and strength to take concrete steps of self-humiliation to achieve victory.
At the root of the human ego is the hidden seed of devilish pride rejecting God and neighbor. No natural sympathy or superficial friendship will help overcome tension in the community. Sometimes the relationships are so strained that it is not even possible to talk about the problem, no one is willing to talk. One has to struggle hard through prayer and self-humiliation to create an atmosphere of mutual openness and break the tension which made living together unbearable. It is only through God’s grace that you will be able to take a step of faith, and you will obtain this grace through your inner union with Jesus. You need to unite the pain of your soul to the pain of Jesus. The Lord will then give a simple solution in confessing your sins to each other in repentance, which makes seemingly insurmountable mountains fall. In practice, this means that instead of finding fault with others, you repent of your own sins and confess your guilt aloud.
It is also important to talk together and dedicate time to sharing and testimony after the one-hour interior prayer.
We talked in several parts about the sabbatical year and its essence. We also asked ourselves how it should now help in reviving God’s servants and God’s people. Ideally, priests in a diocese should form seven groups. Each group would celebrate a different year as a sabbatical year. This appears unrealistic so far. But to start with, a group of 4-7 priests can ask the bishop about this possibility of spending a sabbatical year. Some of the bishops will probably argue there is a shortage of priests. They will only give permission if the priests celebrate Mass on Sundays for the faithful. For a start, even such a compromise should be accepted. May God give His blessing to those who will start the sabbatical year.
+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops
July 18, 2022
Download: Sabbatical year and koinonia (Part 3) (18/7/2022)