The solution to save Africa: Patriarchate /Part 1/
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Dear Bishops of the individual African countries,
it is the season of Advent, the season of repentance. We need to prepare the way of the Lord, the way to spiritual awakening. Your first duty as a bishop is to protect the orthodox doctrine and commandments of God. This is also the primary task of Peter’s successor. But what is the reality today? The one who occupies the papal chair is not the rightful pope. Because of his manifest heresies, he has excommunicated himself many times over from the Catholic Church and therefore cannot be its head. This is the Catholic doctrine, which was also expressed by the Church Fathers St Cyprian, St Jerome, St Augustine, St Athanasius, and the Doctors of the Church – St Francis de Sales, St Alphonsus of Liguori, and St Cardinal Robert Bellarmine. Also, the dogmatic bull Cum ex apostolatus officio clearly states that a pope who has committed heresy is not a valid pope. St Bellarmine expressed this truth in the words: “The Pope who is manifestly a heretic ceases by himself to be Pope and head, in the same way as he ceases to be a Christian and a member of the body of the Church.”
By issuing Fiducia supplicans, Bergoglio cancels the commandments of God and the Gospel of Christ and introduces a sodomite anti-gospel. Bergoglio is leading a rebellion against God and is therefore not a valid pope. Moreover, he publicly consecrated himself to Satan in Canada in 2022 in a pagan ritual led by a sorcerer. This manifest arch-heretic can in no way be the visible representative of Christ on earth!
Dear bishops, you have not accepted his Fiducia supplicans, thus rejecting his synodal way. But if you do not now separate yourselves from him as a false pope and continue to submit to him and to Besungu, you are preparing spiritual suicide for yourselves and for the whole of Africa. You, dear bishops together and individually, have an immense responsibility before God these days, not only for your diocese but also for your nation.
Who is Ambongo Besungu? You can tell a tree by its fruit. On 29 November 2024, Besungu indicated his intention to implement the synodal journey in Africa. The synodal journey, however, is the legalization of sodomy, and you – all the bishops of Africa – have rejected that. Besungu made a strategic move; he aligned himself with your position and publicly announced that Africa does not accept Fiducia supplicans, that is, does not accept the synodal way. Now, less than a year later, you see that Besungu has deceived you. In fact, he is promoting this way through various intrigues and manipulation.
Quoting Besungu: “To enter this new synodal Church, we must all let ourselves be formed.”
This gives proof of a specific agenda and task to be implemented by Besungu in Africa. He openly speaks about a new Church. This new synodal Church, which Bergoglio has established through the synodal path, is no longer the Catholic Church. What has happened is not mere schism, it is something worse. On 1 November 2023, Bergoglio issued the motu proprio Ad theologiam promovendam, introducing the principle of paradigm shift, that is, the eradication of Christian faith and morals. On 18 December 2023, he already implemented this change with the publication of Fiducia supplicans on legalizing the sin of sodomy and blessing sodomite unions. Africans know that God in His Word calls sodomy an abomination (Gr. atimia, Rom 1:26) and warns against it with the punishment of temporal (2Pe 2:6) and eternal (Jud 7) fire. And further, Scripture testifies that if sodomites refuse to repent, they will not enter the kingdom of God (1Cor 6:9f).
Through an abuse of supreme authority and an abuse of ecclesiastical structure, Bergoglio is carrying out the internal and external self-destruction of the Church. Ambongo Besungu is pursuing a similar goal for Africa within this same false structure.
You African bishops protested against the legalization of sodomy at last year’s Synod. This year, Bergoglio and Besungu have chosen a different tactic. The legalization of sodomy is no longer under discussion; it is being presented as Church-wide approved, although it is a big fraud. The October Synod just launched its implementation phase. What does that mean for you? Unless you break away from subordination to Bergoglio, every bishop will have to push for the legalization of sodomy throughout his diocese. Each of you will then be held accountable on your ad limina visit. Bergoglio will ask you what difficulties you have encountered in implementing this anti-Christ synodal agenda and what results you have achieved.
Bergoglio’s and Besungu’s pernicious activity compels you to adequately approach the implementation phase of salvation. It means separating from Bergoglio and Besungu and establishing your own patriarchate for Africa.
The saving step of separating from Bergoglio and from the apostasy of the Vatican is no schism. Schism is currently not even possible as the Church is in a state of sede vacante, that is, it has no pope. There is only a usurper of the papacy, not a rightful pope. By separating from the usurper, you will in fact remain in the Catholic Church and preserve Catholic doctrine. The former US nuncio, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, comments on this as follows: “But what happens if on the Chair of Peter – instead of a Pope who defends and governs the Church – there is a usurper who systematically demolishes her…? The Catholic Church is presently occupied by an extraneous body… the anti-church of the False Prophet, and as such it is not possible to be in communion with it. Catholics belong to the Catholic Church, not to its conciliar and synodal counterfeit of which Bergoglio is the head. It is Bergoglio who is in a state of schism with the Church of which he claims to be Pope, and as a heretic and schismatic he does not have nor can he exercise any power, nor demand any obedience.”
The tragedy is that this arch-heretic uncompromisingly demands obedience. It is an even greater tragedy that the bishops, the successors of the apostles, who should defend orthodox doctrine, obey him. In so doing, they are helping him to destroy the teachings of Christ, and thus the Catholic Church. In Africa, Bergoglio is carrying out this suicidal process through Ambongo Besungu – a Judas.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò continues: “Before my Brothers in the Episcopate and the entire ecclesial body, I accuse Jorge Mario Bergoglio of heresy and schism, and I ask that he be judged as a heretic and schismatic and removed from the Throne which he has unworthily occupied for over eleven years. This in no way contradicts the adage Prima Sedes a nemine judicatur (The First See is judged by none), because it is evident that, since a heretic is unable to assume the Papacy, he is not above the Prelates who judge him.”
A heretic excludes himself from the Church, and the Catholic Church needs to respect this fact.
Besungu, however, suggestively argues that you must let yourselves be synodally formed both by him, a Judas, and by the arch-heretic Bergoglio; in other words, you must change your thinking and finally accept the declaration Fiducia supplicans.
Bishop Martin of Malawi responds to this demagoguery: “All those who ill-advise us like this, our response is that we are not idiots. We are not accepting this declaration.”
Dear bishops of Africa, you have radically rejected false doctrine, as Bishop Martin put it: “For the first time in the history of the Church, a document released from the Holy See is rejected, and publicly rejected. But we have no choice: we cannot allow such an offensive and apparently blasphemous declaration to be implemented in our dioceses.” Besungu knows your attitude, but he persistently and insidiously tries to bring you under the yoke of damnation so that you betray Christ, commit spiritual suicide, and accept the path to temporal and eternal damnation.
Besungu further said: “Let us form a synodal spirit, a synodal behaviour, a synodal attitude, a synodal language between us.”
Cardinal Müller, a participant in the Synod at the Vatican, has already explained what Besungu’s words mean. What is a synodal spirit? “It is the spirit of the Antichrist speaking through the LGBTQ agenda. It is absolutely against creation.” Here you can see what kind of spirit Besungu is promoting under the term synodal spirit.
What is a synodal behaviour? Cardinal Müller clarifies: “It’s abusing the Holy Spirit in order to introduce doctrines that are openly against Holy Scripture,” and this is specifically the case with Fiducia supplicans blessing sinful LGBTQ unions.
You ask, what is a synodal attitude? Cardinal Müller has once again unmasked the term. It is “the Church moving toward conformity with the globalist, pro-LGBTQ Agenda 2030”. The Catholic Church under the usurper of the papacy is being used not only for the spiritual but also for the physical destruction of mankind.
What is a synodal language? Cardinal Müller has stated that “they are introducing a new hermeneutic with which they want to reconcile the Word of God with these anti-Christian homosexual ideologies.” It means lying and lying and lying under the guise of ambiguous terms and religious rhetoric, as demonstrated by Besungu and Bergoglio.
Therefore, seeing clearly Besungu’s purposes in manipulating the African Church, you as shepherds of Christ must once again take a united radical stand to preserve Catholic doctrine. Ambongo Besungu, an apostle with the spirit of Judas, is now acting as pseudo-patriarch over the whole of Africa. Just as you have united against the Fiducia supplicans, so join together in taking the next vital step: namely, separating from Besungu and from the invalid Pope Bergoglio, and at the same time proclaiming a Catholic Patriarchate for Africa. This essentially means restoring the Catholic Patriarchate of Alexandria, which was represented by St Athanasius. He fought bravely for the whole Church against the heresy of Arianism.
Today, the Patriarchate does not have to be based in Alexandria. It may be based in Cameroon or elsewhere. Choose a faithful bishop as the Patriarch of Africa, who will have the same spirit as St Athanasius, will defend the true faith and will not be afraid of the wolves in sheep’s clothing, such as Bergoglio and Besungu.
Encourage the faithful to pray and then you yourselves take the two basic steps during this Advent: separate yourselves from the pseudo Pope Bergoglio and the “Judas” Cardinal Besungu and proclaim a Catholic Patriarchate for Africa. Once there is a true Pope, a true representative of Christ on earth, the African Patriarchate will submit to his, Peter’s, authority. This is the solution to save Africa in the current crisis situation. And this is also the will of God for each one of you, dear bishops, successors of the apostles.
+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops
8 December 2024
Download: BCP: The solution to save Africa: Patriarchate /Part 1/ (8/12/2024)