Advent 2024, a time of repentance in the USA /Part 1-2/
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We have entered the season of Advent, associated with the call of the prophets, especially John the Baptist, who preached in the wilderness of Judea: “Repent, change your minds, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” If the bishops repent and thus prepare the way for the coming of the Savior into the hearts of the American people, America will experience a spiritual Christmas. The words spoken by the angel over Bethlehem will be fulfilled, “Today is born to you a Savior, Christ the Lord.”
Dear Bishop of the United States of America,
I address you personally at the beginning of the Advent season. If you wish to remain on the way of salvation, on the narrow path of Christ, you are obliged to do public penance for the crime against Christ that you have committed by accepting the evil decree Fiducia supplicans. You have thereby brought down upon yourself the anathema of God. This includes not only excommunication latae sententiae, exclusion from the external ecclesiastical structure, but also exclusion from the Mystical Body of Christ. Are you aware of this? If you do not repent and you die, you will be eternally condemned. You have allowed yourself to be manipulated by a group of active traitors to Christ who manipulate the U.S. Bishops Conference. You have been drawn by them into a public betrayal of Christ, i.e. apostasy. You have chosen to bless the outrageous sin of homosexuality, coupled with the acceptance of all kinds of moral perversions covered by the term LGBTQ.
The letter “T” stands for so-called transsexual persons. Transsexualism is directly linked to gender reassignment. This is preceded by the psychological manipulation of children in schools and the imposition of hormone therapy on them, which aims at gender reassignment, i.e. the lifelong and irreversible mutilation of a person. Dear Bishop, you are approving this evil process and abusing your apostolic authority. Are you aware of what you are doing because of your spiritual blindness and cowardice? If you claim that God favors transsexualism, you are a fraud, a criminal, and a servant of the antichrist. You were obligated to stand up against this immorality and grave crime. Now, after the election, you are at risk of being righteously labeled as a subversive element that is dangerous to American society. You should be ashamed and repent while there is time!
Surely you know what is hidden under the letter “Q”, that is, what Bergoglio’s anti-church legalizes, and you have embraced it for your diocese and for all of America. To be clear, the letter “Q” covers perversions such as pedophilia, that is, sexual abuse of children, zoophilia, that is, intercourse with animals, and even necrophilia, that is, intercourse with corpses. It also includes, among other things, sadomasochism, that is, sadism associated with sexual murder and orgies. This is already linked to serious psychological disorders and also to criminality and demonic possession. This is the satanization of the Catholic Church in the USA. You have publicly sanctioned this satanization by adopting Fiducia supplicans. Do you realize that, Your Excellency?
You cynically boycott Scripture’s warnings of temporal and eternal fire for the sin of sodomy (2Pe 2:6 and Jud 7). You not only gamble and risk causing a global nuclear or other catastrophe by your crime, but worse, you drive Catholics under false obedience down the broad road to eternal destruction.
How come the American bishops, by unanimously adopting Fiducia supplicans, have placed themselves in opposition to God and cast aside His laws and commandments? The hidden heresy of papolatry was the driving force behind this crime! What is the essence of this heresy? It falsely and manipulatively claims that the Pope can abrogate all dogmas, can commit the worst moral crimes, can even consecrate himself to Satan, can issue anti-laws that are completely contrary to the Gospel of Christ, can oppose God and blaspheme Him by “blessing” the grave sin of sodomy! Papolatry claims that in all this he is still the visible representative of Christ on earth! However, this heresy of papolatry has already been condemned by Scripture itself, which says: “If anyone, even an angel from heaven, preaches any other gospel, let him be accursed.” (Gal 1:8-9)
Bergoglio not only preaches, but also introduces a sodomite, climate and other anti-gospel throughout the Church under papal authority. Thus he is accursed by God and excommunicated from the Church. This is clearly confirmed by the dogmatic bull Cum ex apostolatus officio of 1559. The heresy of papolatry was also condemned by Church Fathers such as St. Cyprian, St. Jerome, St. Augustine, and by Doctors of the Church such as St. Bellarmine, St. Alphonsus of Liguori, St. Francis de Sales, and others. They all agree on one truth, which is simply expressed by St. Cardinal Bellarmine: “The Pope who is manifestly a heretic ceases by himself to be Pope and head, in the same way as he ceases to be a Christian and a member of the body of the Church.” The papolatrists, however, deliberately conceal or distort this truth. Their hidden goal is to use the highest authority to totally destroy the whole Church. It must be clear to everyone that Jorge Bergoglio is not a proper Pope!
It stands to reason that a man who publicly dedicated himself to Satan in Canada in 2022 and openly promotes the satanization of the Church cannot be the visible representative of Christ on earth! And if anyone among the bishops, priests or believers still claims that Bergoglio is a proper Pope, they are sinning against the Holy Spirit. The name of the invalid Pope must be struck from the liturgical texts and no one can submit to him. Those who do submit to him make it clear that they publicly renounce Christ. In so doing, they renounce both the Gospel of Christ and His way of salvation. Instead, they accept the false path that leads to eternal destruction, and that is Bergoglio’s synodal path.
The heresy of papolatry is now driving Catholics to such a degree of stupidity that they are already participating in the destruction of the Church at its very foundations. Are you, who call yourself an apostle of Christ, aware of this absurd reality? You listen to a manifest heretic who is destroying the fundamental pillars of our salvation, yet you regard God and His laws as nothing. Why do you listen to the usurper of the papacy? Because you do not care about your salvation, nor about the salvation of human souls, but your concern is more about your self-deification and your own ecclesiastical career. At the root is your cowardice and evading the pastoral sacrifice, which involves defending the doctrine and the defenseless sheep against heresies and ravenous wolves who are destroying the Church from within and without. Saint John Chrysostom was exiled seven times for defending the truths of God, and died as a result. Saint Athanasius also defended orthodoxy. Several times he was expelled from his office by heretics and threatened with death.
What are you doing for Christ? What are you doing to defend orthodox doctrine? What are you doing to uphold the laws of God and the commandments of Christ? How much affliction do you endure to defend Christian morality? If you would at least do nothing. But you approve of the suicidal path of Fiducia supplicans, which, by blasphemously blessing sin, denies the Decalogue and the Creed and transforms the Church into a synagogue of Satan. You are much to blame for this crime before God, before your diocese and before the entire American people. The heresy of papolatry is no alibi for you before God or man! You feel comfortable about conforming to the spirit of this world so that you do not get into trouble. “You are lukewarm – neither cold nor hot.” And Jesus says to you today: If you remain so and do not repent, “I will spit you out of My mouth” (cf. Rev 3).
As far as true repentance is concerned, for you as a bishop, it means realizing that the time has come to speak the truth about Vatican II. The liberal path of apostasy was paved with the slogan “the spirit of Vatican II”. Bergoglio rightly claims that he is only implementing the Second Vatican Council. The Council was secretly directed by the followers of Modernism, which was condemned by Pope St. Pius X as the cesspool of all heresy. After the Council, this spirit of Modernism occupied all the theological faculties. What is more, this heretical Council, with the decree Nostra aetate, opened the door to the influx of paganism, linked to satanism. The use of the ambiguous term respect for other religions, in fact pagan cults, resulted in promoting the worship of their demons. This is why Bergoglio, in the spirit of Vatican II, can even enthrone the Pachamama demon and publicly advocate the heresy that Christ’s redemptive death on the cross and the pagan ways that worship Satan are equivalent paths to salvation. This is heresy at its worst. It mocks all the martyrs of the first centuries who preferred to suffer the most cruel torture and death rather than throw a single grain of incense to pagan idols and demons.
BCP: Advent 2024, a time of repentance in the USA
Part 2
Dear bishops of the United States of America,
we enter a historic Advent season of 2024. What is a specific kind of penance that each bishop of the United States must do?
In the first place, you are obliged to remove from yourselves the curse of God, the anathema that you have brought down upon yourselves, upon your diocese, and upon all of America by accepting the suicidal Fiducia supplicans. Therefore, each bishop should write a pastoral letter to his diocese rejecting the blasphemous Fiducia supplicans and renewing orthodoxy and fidelity to Christ, His teachings, and the commandments of God. This pastoral letter of yours should be truly pastoral and clearly say “yes, yes” to the teachings of Christ and “no, no” to the teachings of antichrist.
It should say: a clear “no” to the heresy of papolatry,
a clear “no” to Bergoglio’s usurpation of the Papal See,
a clear “no” to his encyclicals, exhortations, declarations and motu proprio.
The pastoral letter should say a clear “no” to Bergoglio’s invalid sanctions and excommunications of the true Catholics,
a clear “no” to his invalidly appointed cardinals,
a clear “no” to his endorsement of transsexualism by kissing the feet of a transsexual,
a clear “no” to his ecclesiastical legalization of LGBTQ,
a clear “no” to his blessing of sodomite unions and queer couples.
The pastoral letter should give a binding “no” to Bergoglio’s promotion of pseudo-pandemics with vaccinations,
a binding “no” to his precedent-setting dedication to Satan in Canada,
a binding “no” to his precedent-setting enthronement of the Pachamama demon in the Vatican,
a binding “no” to his introduction of ritual dances and pagan practices into the liturgy.
The pastoral letter should give a binding “no” to his ordination of women as deacons and priests,
a binding “no” to his syncretistic heresies in Abu Dhabi, Singapore and elsewhere,
a binding “no” to the Church’s involvement in promoting the 2030 depopulation agenda,
a binding “no” to the extermination of Christian territories through so-called refugees.
The pastoral letter should say a binding “no” to mentioning the name of the pseudo Pope in the holy liturgy,
a binding “no” to the suicidal synodal path.
The pastoral letter should also say a binding “no” to the spirit of Vatican II,
and therefore a binding “no” to Vatican II’s heresies of modernism,
a binding “no” to Vatican II’s heresies concerning syncretism with paganism,
a binding “no” to Vatican II’s aggiornamento, i.e. compliance with the spirit of the world,
a binding “no” to the ambiguous terms in Vatican II documents.
The pastoral letter should say a binding “no” to the nonsense about the climate crisis,
a binding “no” to transhumanism,
a binding “no” to child reassignment and gender ideology.
God had mercy on America, and after the recent election, an opportunity for a spiritual renewal presented itself to the American nation. However, as long as you, as a shepherd, will proclaim and promote sodomist anti-gospel by blessing a sin, instead of a blessing, you will call a curse upon the whole nation.
Since it is the United States Conference of Catholic bishops that carries the burden of guilt for this crime, it needs a new spirit. Instead of the spirit of lies and death, it must have the spirit of truth and life. Unless this happens, this organization must be dissolved as it is dangerous for the Church and the nation.
Benedict XVI as a former prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said: “We must not forget that the Episcopal conferences do not belong to the structure of the Church, as willed by Christ, that cannot be eliminated. The conferences cannot act in the name of all the bishops. No Episcopal conference, as such, has a teaching mission. The Catholic Church is based on an episcopal structure and not on a kind of federation of national churches.”
Dear bishops, do not forget your former apostolic nuncio, Carlo Maria Viganò. He stayed true to Christ and a true teaching even at the cost of insidious persecution. He stood against the cancerous tumor of homosexual network in America and in the Vatican itself. He stood courageously against the mafia, represented by Cardinal McCarrick and covered and even supported by Jorge Bergoglio. Because of his stance and his fidelity to Catholic teaching and morals, his life is now in danger. Dear American bishops, may he be an example to you of Christ’s shepherd, who is willing to lay down his life for his sheep.
Herewith, I want to address all American Catholics to pray during this Advent season a daily holy hour with their families from 8 to 9pm. Do not forget a Holy Rosary. Mother of God will intercede and obtain grace for this Advent to be a historic one. By renouncing Fiducia supplicans and accepting just laws, the path of death will be replaced by the path of life. The angel who announced joyful news to the shepherds in Bethlehem, will declare to America during this Christmas: “I am announcing you a great joy! For unto you is born this day the Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”
+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops
November 30, 2024
Download: BCP: Advent 2024, a time of repentance in the USA /Part 1-2/ (30/11/2024)