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Vatican II cast out the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, and received the spirit of the world, the spirit of lies

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The Church has a primary duty to proclaim the Gospel of Christ. It is to lead souls through repentance to salvation in the power of the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of truth. The Second Vatican Council boycotted this foundation. Heretical theologians were appointed as moderators of the Council. They pushed for the spirit of Modernism, which had already been condemned by St Pius X at the beginning of the 20th century. By use of the historical-critical method, Modernism questions Jesus Christ as the only Saviour, His real and historical resurrection, as well as the divine inspiration of Scripture. It craftily uses ambiguous terms to question the truths of faith.

Ambiguous terms were also used in many documents of Vatican II to obscure the heresies of Modernism. Despite this, it was constantly reiterated that the Council was the work of the Holy Spirit, and therefore every Catholic was obliged to fully comply with the spirit of Vatican II. This was a great fraud that could not be proven true for more than half a century.

The shocking fruit of Vatican II has now been brought to ripeness through Francis Bergoglio, an archheretic and usurper of the papal authority. He preaches a sodomite, covid, synodal, ecological, cultic/idolatrous antigospel which falls under God’s anathema according to Gal 1:8-9. In Canada, it even involved dedication to demons under the guidance of a shaman blowing a wild turkey bone whistle.

It is true about the Council, as the Saviour says: “A tree is known by its own fruit.” After 57 years since the end of Vatican II, we are reaping disastrous fruits. What would probably have happened if someone had promoted sodomy or kissed the feet of a transsexual, thereby privileging this perversion, in pre-conciliar times? What if he had initiated the Islamization in every parish and every monastery? What if he had issued the exhortation Amoris Laetitia, abolishing universally valid moral principles as well as God’s commandments? What if he had openly approved so-called sexual education, which imposes slavish and sinful masturbation on children from four years of age and manipulates them into undergoing tragic gender reassignment? What if he had said openly that “sex should be taught to children without rigidity”, that is, without any restraint?

What if such a successor of the Apostle Peter had sought to legalize sodomite marriage and adoption of children? What if he had forced all Vatican staff and all Catholics to accept a genetic serum called a vaccine made of tissue torn out from a live unborn child? What if he had opened the Council with a solemn procession with the Pachamama demon in a canoe carried by bishops and witches into St Peter’s Basilica? All martyrs and saints would have turned in their graves! And what if, after all that, such a Pope had had himself consecrated to demons by a shaman blowing a wild turkey bone whistle? Do you understand, dear Catholics, that this is something unthinkable?! And all this is a harsh reality today! The papal throne is occupied by a blasphemer and apostate, that is, an invalid Pope! If you recognize him as valid, you have renounced Christ and His teachings as well as your own salvation, and unless you repent of it, hell awaits you.

How is it possible that an archheretic occupies the papal throne? This is because Vatican II brought a change in the spirit and doctrine. The Council cast out the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, and received the spirit of the world, the spirit of lies. Unless and until the Second Vatican Council is condemned as heretical, the Church cannot be restored. The Psalmist says: “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psa 11:3)

Although in his book of 1984 the former Cardinal Ratzinger pointed out the destructive fruits of Vatican II, he tried to explain that it was the result of misinterpretation of the Council.

Carlo Maria Viganò, former Nuncio to the United States, correctly assessed the Second Vatican Council when he said that it could not just be revised but needed to be rejected as heretical. That was and is a prophetic word for the Church! He was also the only one among the prelates who was not afraid to speak out against experimental vaccination or against the Deep State and Deep Church. In doing so, he has again given a prophetic word not only to the Church, but also to the contemporary world.

What can we expect from the synodal journey and its promoter? It has now become clear that the so-called synodal journey is a programmed deviation from all the basic dogmas that guarantee salvation. Bergoglio seeks the transition of the Catholic Church to the synagogue of Satan, the anti-Church of the New Age. How can it be that the Church has adopted this suicidal agenda? The answer is that without Vatican II it would not have been possible.

If Vatican II had been the work of the Holy Spirit, as claimed, the first thing the Council would do would be to convict modernists and heretics of the sin against the faith and show a true blueprint for the restoration of the Church through repentance. However, the Council exchanged repentance for antirepentance and mission for antimission or, in other words, for suicidal interfaith dialogue.


The first step of repentance for the Catholic Church is to call the truth the truth, a lie a lie, and the Second Vatican Council a heretical Council, i.e. invalid. Why? Because the Second Vatican Council cast the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, out of the Church and received the spirit of the world, the spirit of lies.

During his visit to Canada, where he promoted syncretism with paganism, Bergoglio said: “I’m just the cherry on the cake.” That cake, and a poisoned one, is the Second Vatican Council.

+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr                         + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops

20 August 2022


Download: Vatican II cast out the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, and received the spirit of the world, the spirit of lies (20/VIII/2022)


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