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BCP: Anathema against US Catholic President J. Biden for promoting the killing of unborn children and experimental mRNA vaccination

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At this time of the Church’s apostasy, the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate is the prophetic voice of one crying in the wilderness. By authority of the apostolic and prophetic office, in the name of the Triune God, we hereby publish an anathema, that is, exclusion of Joe Biden, a Catholic, the current President of the United States, from the Mystical Body of Christ, and thus from the Catholic Church. The reason why he has excluded himself is that he publicly promotes the mass killing of unborn children – abortion – and, in addition, he promotes mandatory experimental vaccination, which disrupts the human genome. The so-called vaccine is also part of the process of chipization, which gradually deprives man of his free will with the aim of turning him into a biorobot. The Bible warns against it speaking about the punishment in the lake of fire (Apoc. 19,20). Furthermore, the so-called vaccine, de facto gene serum, is part of depopulation agenda, i.e. genocide. It is a serious crime to force American children to take the risk of vaccination. Because of these crimes against God’s commandments and crimes against humanity, Joe Biden has excluded himself from the Church. If he is going to receive the Lord’s Body in the liturgy, the Bible warning applies to him: “He who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself.” (1Co 11:29)

If the person concerned refuses to publicly repent and dies, his soul will be eternally damned in hell. This state of separation from God has been caused by the person concerned himself, and therefore no one can remove God’s anathema, that is, the curse, from him – neither the current invalid Pope, nor the entire US Bishops’ Conference, nor even God Himself. God respects the free will of man. The anathema may only be removed by the person himself, by his public repentance.

The publication of the anathema is the last means of salvation for the person concerned to become aware of his dangerous spiritual state. Besides, it is a lesson for many uninformed Catholics who, due to the influence of the spirit of the world and heresies within the Church, have already lost the distinction between orthodoxy and heresy, morality and amorality, eternal heaven and eternal hell.

May the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, obtain the grace of true and public repentance for US President Joe Biden, and hence his salvation from eternal damnation in hell!


+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr                    + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops


21 February 2022


Download: BCP: Anathema against US Catholic President J. Biden for promoting the killing of unborn children and experimental mRNA vaccination (21/2/2022)



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