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Lent 2020 and synodal path

17 February 2020

Dear bishops, priests and believers,

on Ash Wednesday, 26 February 2020, the Western Church enters the Lenten period. The essence of Lent is conversion and repentance. Conversion means turning from the way of the world to the way of God – to Jesus – and then following Him. He is our Way. In His light one can truly see the meaning of life, truthfully distinguish between good and evil, truth and lie, and self-critically confess one’s sins before oneself and before God. Conversion is followed by repentance, which includes the way of purification, illumination and union. The way of purification is particular austerity, both external and internal. On the way of illumination, God enlightens man on matters of salvation. On the way of union, man achieves inner union with God. These three ways overlap.

Jesus said: “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word – commandments … and We will come to him and make Our home with him.” (Jn 14:23)

This triple way is intrinsically linked to the life of prayer. Prayer requires time set aside. Austerity does not consist only in abstaining from food. We should also abstain from wasting time on TV, the Internet, going round supermarkets, vain entertainment, or bad music. It is necessary to set aside time and establish a certain order, especially for family prayer. Due to television and the Internet, prayer has virtually been excluded from Christian families. This has a considerable impact on their crisis and disintegration.

We recommend setting aside a specific hour for family prayer during Lent. The optimum time is from 8 to 9 pm. Especially during Lent, we pray the sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary and contemplate the suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ on the way of the cross or His seven last words from the cross (see In this so-called holy hour we can confess our sins and pray for specific problems that concern our family or the whole Church. This is very topical today. We can also sing Lenten songs or read the lives of the holy martyrs for a while. An old proverb says, “The blood of the martyrs is the seed of new Christians.”

Let us be aware of the hard apocalyptic times we live in. This should motivate us to burn with zeal for the salvation of our soul, our family as well as the family of the Church and the nation.

So-called sexual education, the essence of which is gender demoralization, is promoted on a worldwide scale. It denies human identity and causes mental disorder. Children and minors are mutilated by hormonal therapies and undergo drastic sex-change surgeries.

We live in times when every nation must adopt suicidal laws. An example is the so-called Istanbul Convention. Using clever phrases about domestic violence, it promotes the stealing of children from their loving parents. The stolen children are given to homosexuals for so-called adoption. This is harsh reality and we cannot close our eyes to it and say: It does not concern me!

We are witnessing the promotion of pseudo culture with decadent music whose roots go to Satanic voodoo. It is inseparably connected with drug abuse and the most absurd perversions. Through the Internet and computer games, children become inclined towards cynicism, occultism, crime, total selfishness as well as towards satanic sects and mass suicides.

We all ask: What do the leaders of the Church say to this, as the Church is to be the pillar of truth, the voice of prophecy, the light of the world and the salt of the earth? The reality is that the head of the Church is a manifest heretic who eliminates God’s commandments, God’s laws as well as moral principles and promotes homosexualism and sexual education which makes children cripples for life. This apostate now even openly promotes idolatry associated with paganism and Satanism.

This is what we have witnessed lately. Last year it was the Instrumentum Laboris followed by the Amazon Synod with its final document. This year, on 12 February, an exhortation on the Amazon was presented. Bergoglio had committed public idolatry in such an arrogant way that he had an unclean idol, the Pachamama demon, solemnly carried by prelates into St Peter’s Basilica in a ritual canoe like on a sedan chair. The witches were shaking rattles, waving branches, chanting mantras and dancing.

The fact that such a thing is possible at all is a sign of what spirit dominates the Catholic Church! Anyone who has only the basic knowledge of the Catechism cannot remain indifferent today. The Amazon Synod was aimed at creating chaos through the abolition of celibacy and the ordination of women priests.

Bergoglio wants idolatry and satanization to become incarnate in the heart of the Church. Pagan rites, symbols and gestures should be introduced directly into the liturgy. Amazonian witches, who serve demons through magic and divination, are the first to be “ordained” to the priesthood.

There is no celibacy in the Orthodox Church. But there is no danger there of taking up into the liturgy pagan elements which are connected with the worship of demons. The abolition of celibacy in the Catholic Church has been purposefully programmed by a man who has excluded himself from the Church of Christ through heresies and is an apostate.

Bergoglio publicly abolishes the First Commandment and God’s laws and has introduced a satanic spirit connected with paganism to the Vatican and to St Peter’s Basilica. He has initiated magic rites which he himself was actively involved in! He thus transfers the Catholic Church to Satan’s anti-Church of the New Age. Such pseudo Church leads through heresies and immorality to hell. It by no means guarantees salvation! The Word of God says: “My people, come out from Babylon!” (cf. Isa 52:11)

In 2018, Archbp. Carlo Maria Viganò warned of a homosexual network at the highest levels in the Church and called on Bergoglio to resign. US bishops responded to it. They wanted to put things right and to eradicate homosexualism and paedophilia from the US Church. Bergoglio forbade it and manipulated them with a promise of a global approach to the issue at the Synod in February 2019. But the Synod did nothing. On the contrary, the crimes of paedophilia and homosexuality among the hierarchy and the clergy were de facto legalized under the hypocritical label of accompaniment of homosexual persons.

German heretics and apostates were not afraid to launch their own synodal path independently of Rome. Why did they do it? To break with the heresies of the present-day Vatican? No! On the contrary, to legalize immoral perversions and heresies in the Church with an even greater intensity. First, a few years ago, they introduced administering Holy Communion to people who do not repent and live in sin. Now they even introduce a demonic anti-sacrament – same-sex church marriages in Catholic churches! Is it not a shock and provocation?

Why could the Czech bishops, for example, not choose their own synodal path to preserve orthodoxy? It would, in fact, not be their own but truly Catholic, i.e. universal. It would be just a return to the healthy roots of the Scripture and Tradition. The Church has walked this path for 2,000 years.

We ask: Would it be a crime? Would bishops be punished for it? Lo and behold, the Germans are not punished; their synodal decision is respected. Will the decision of the Czech bishops not be respected? If there is an orthodox Pope, they will be in truly Catholic unity with him. But unity with a heretic is unthinkable!

Dear faithful, write at least one letter to your bishop and priest and call on them to separate from the apostasy of the Vatican. A true synodal path is the right alternative in this situation.

The Germans were not afraid to choose their own synodal path, though it leads to destruction! Why should we, the Czechs, be afraid to follow the path of salvation and to return to the pure wellsprings of the faith and Tradition? Who or what should we be afraid of? The Czech synodal path will consequently lead even to restoration of the papal primacy which is to preserve the deposit of faith and the apostolic teaching. These guarantee to lead us safely across the bridge of death to eternal life in heaven. The duty of the Church in the Czech Republic is to make this step towards the salvation of the Church. Now the time is ripe! Czech Catholics will thus set an example to the whole world of true restoration of the Church. Let us use the chance God is giving before the apostate Bergoglio accomplishes the process of spiritual suicide of the Church through an abuse of the papacy! He would thus drag millions of souls to eternal damnation.

The Church in the Czech Republic has salvation at heart! The Czech Church does not seek to destroy the papacy like the Germans. Card. Kasper and Lehmann made it clear long ago that they were striving to abolish the papacy.

May the Czech Church in this Lenten season stop through true repentance – metanoia – on the path of spiritual self-destruction taken by the present-day apostate Vatican. Then let it make a radical step and walk in the path of salvation. After Good Friday we can then sing the triumphal Paschal hymn: “Alleluia! The Lord is risen indeed in His Church, alleluia!”


+ Elijah

Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr                         + Timothy OSBMr

Secretary Bishops



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