BCP: The hidden intention of the Vatican symposium on the priesthood
Watch this video on: https://rumble.com/vw068u-vatican-symposium.html
On 17-19 February, a symposium on the theology of the priesthood was held in the Vatican.
Early this month, however, the German “synodal Church” voted in favour of the so-called Church’s blessing on same-sex pseudo marriage! This is not only a schism; this is a public presentation of synodal Satanism, apostasy from Christ, and the adoption of an anti-gospel agenda (Gal 1:8-9) resulting in a curse and expulsion from the Church of Christ. Bergoglio approved the suicidal decision of the German synodal path at the symposium by his notorious silence!
What was the hidden purpose of the symposium on the priesthood? To phase out the sacramental priesthood. First by the abolition of celibacy, and then by the ordination of feminists and witches as Satan’s priestesses for the New Age Synodal Anti-Church.
As for the crisis of the priesthood, it has its deep roots in the spirit of the Second Vatican Council. The orthodox doctrine has been replaced by the heresies of Modernism, mission by anti-mission with interfaith dialogue, resistance to the spirit of the world by unity with it through aggiornamento. This spiritual poison of Vatican II paralyses the priesthood and Catholicism. What is the solution? Repentance. To call the truth the truth, heresy heresy, the invalid Pope the invalid Pope, and to separate from him and from the apostate Vatican, which is already fully controlled by the Freemasons.
It is necessary for at least a few brave bishops faithful to Christ to recognize as soon as possible the orthodox and valid Pope who will stop the process of satanization and take steps towards true restoration of the Church. Today, God places this demand, binding in conscience, on every true Catholic bishop.
+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops
22 February 2022
Download: BCP: The hidden intention of the Vatican symposium on the priesthood (22/2/2022)